Full Schedule
Sept. 17–24, 2017

The following events are currently scheduled for Peace Week Delaware.
All events are subject to change.

All Week

Library Events and Displays

Displays at our
 Public Libraries

Books and other items related to a culture of Peace will be displayed in a prominent location at the entrance to the libraries along with bookmarks with suggestions for Adults, Teens, and Children.  Use these live links to get hours and locations.

Lewes Public Library
Bear Public Library
Claymont Public Library
Frankford Public Library
Georgetown Public Library
New Castle Public Library
Newark Free Library
Kirkwood Library
South Coastal Public Library
Wilmington Public Library
Woodlawn Public Library


Saturday, Sept. 16:
Two Special Pre-Peace Week Events

Peace March and Rally (Lewes)

An interfaith event to demonstrate your support for peace internationally and here at home. The Peace March and Rally will celebrate the concept of Peace in the context of various faith traditions in words and music.  Besides the March and Rally, a Peace Pole will be dedicated and donated to the people of Lewes, Delaware.

March: step off at 1812 Memorial Park (corner of Front St and Savannah Rd)                   ;
Rally:  Canalfront Park (corner of Shipcarpenter St and Front St), Lewes DE 19958
When: 3:00 pm (Step off for March); Rally at 3:30 pm
Sponsored by: Lewes/Rehoboth Peace Week Coalition
Questions?: Don Peterson, donpetersonde@gmail.com, 703-963-1871

Rothman Concert

Chana Rothman is a Philadelphia-based singer/songwriter, musical community organizer, and educator.  Rothman’ s music is a unique blend of folk, world beat and hip-hop, aiming to break down barriers towards consciousness and change.

Where: Congregation Beth Emeth, 300 West Lea Boulevard, Wilmington, DE, 19802
When: 7:00  to 9:00 pm
Sponsored by: Congregation Beth Emeth, www.bethemethde.org
Questions?: Yair Robinson, RabbiRobinson@cbe.comcastbiz.net, 302-764-2393

Sunday, Sept. 17


Peace Week Worship Service (Lewes)

Worship with the Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware will focus on the need for and ideas for achieving peace.

Where:  Unitarian Universalist Church of Southern Delaware, 30486 Lewes Georgetown Highway (Route 9), Lewes, DE 19958
When: 10:00 – 11:00 am
Sponsored by: Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware, www.uusd.org
Susan Goekler, susangoekler@gmail.com, 330-414-7867

Youth Visionary Peace Art Exhibition

What does peace look like? What does a peaceful world look like? A children’s art exhibit for students in grades K-12. Exhibition continues through Sunday, Sept. 24, and is available for other venues. Conceived as a dialogue between our youth and older citizens, the exhibit features images and words describing the world our youth want. What will our response to their vision be?

Where: Delaware Contemporary Museum, 200 S. Madison St, Wilmington, DE 19801
When:1:00 to 3:00 pm
Sponsored by: Delaware Pacem in Terris
Details and posterhttp://depaceminterris.org/art
Volunteer: Volunteers to set up and take down the exhibit are welcome. Email mg@depaceminterris.org to find out more.

Limited space for youth art is still available. Teachers, camp counselors, and educators may contact Carolyn Bitzer at Pacem in Terris for details on how to submit: cb@depaceminterris.org

 A Tribute to Our Young Volunteers: Inspiring the Next Generation of Service

Join us as returned PeaceCorps and AmeriCorps volunteers share their stories of generous service—service that is aimed at promoting peace, equality and justice.  Learn why they gave time from their young lives and learn about their joys and trials during the experience. We are targeting middle and high school students and their families but older potential volunteers are welcome.  Recruiters from the PeaceCorps and AmeriCorps will be present to discuss volunteer qualifications and opportunities.  Make it an evening and stay for the Breaking Bread Together potluck meal-event to follow.

Where: The Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew (SsAM), 719 N. Shipley Street, Wilmington, DE 19801
When: 4:00 -5:30 pm
Advance registration required: only if staying for supper, Diane-Louise Casson,  dlcasson@ssam.org, 302-656-6628
Suggested registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-tribute-to-our-young-volunteers-inspiring-a-young-generation-of-service-tickets-36368968564
Sponsored by:The Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew (SsAM), www.ssam.org
Questions?: Annette Fletcher, annette.fletcher@state.de.us, 302-577-5050

Breaking Bread Together

Join us for a potluck dinner to meet our Muslim neighbors. Come as you are – with or without food – to celebrate our common humanity. All ages, religions and cuisines are welcome.

Where: Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew (SsAM), 719 N. Shipley St., Wilmington DE 19801
When: 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Sponsored by:  Masjid Al Kauthar and The Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew (SsAM), www.ssam.org
Advanced registration suggested: dlcasson@ssam.org, 302-656-6628
Questions?: Diane-Louise Casson,  dlcasson@ssam.org, 302-656-6628


Alternatives to Violence Booth

The Delaware chapter of the Alternatives to Violence Project holds conflict resolution workshops in the community and within the prison system. To learn more about this training for yourself or a friend, or how you can sponsor a workshop, please visit our booth at Newark Community Day

Where:  Newark Community Day, The U of D Green, Newark, DE 19711
When: 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Sponsored by: Alternatives to Violence Project, http://www.avpde.org
Questions?: Teri Gray, tf.gray@hotmail.com, (443) 553-0224




” It Takes a Village” Concert

“It Takes a Village” is a Concert for Peace featuring the Cathedral Choir School of Delaware, taking place in the Immanuel on the Green Episcopal Church in historic New Castle.  The Choir School of Delaware provides professional musical training, leadership and language skills, academic support, and college bound mentoring in an intergenerational environment for youth in Wilmington, Delaware and surrounding regions. The Choir School provides a life changing experience for youth ages 7-17 in the greater Wilmington area, the majority of whom are considered at risk.  Their music becomes a life changing experience for all who hear them sing.

 Where: Immanuel on the Green Episcopal Church, 50 Market Street (on the corner of Harmony Street), New Castle, DE 19720
When: 4:00 – 5:30 pm
Sponsored by:  Churches of New Castle: Hope
Lutheran Church, Immanuel on the Green Episcopal Church, New Castle Presbyterian Church, New Castle United Methodist Church, St. Peter the Apostle Roman Catholic Church
Choir URL: http://www.ccsde.org
Questions?: Daniel Swanson, Pastor of Hope Lutheran, pastor@hopelutheran-de.org, 302-353-7004

Monday, Sept. 18


 What is the Alternatives to Violence Project?

How does it work? Join us for an evening of hands-on activities.

Where: Camden Friends Meeting House, Commerce St, Camden, DE
When: 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Sponsored by: The Alternatives to Violence Project, www.avpde.org
Questions?: Teri Gray, tf.gray@hotmail.com, 443-553-0224


President Dwight D. Eisenhower with the Ghanain ambassador, to whom he apologized after the ambassador was refused seating in a Dover DE restaurant in 1957. More at this link.

Be the Change You Wish to See in The World (Two Events: Dover and Wilmington)

People to People-Delaware’s theme for Peace Week 2017 is “Be the Change You Wish to See in The World.” Our public program will feature an appearance by the Philadelphia-area Honorary Consul of Ghana, Michael Griffin. Our keynote speaker will be Mary Eisenhower, granddaughter of President Eisenhower and National People to People Board President.  The afternoon will end with a discussion: “What can you, as an individual, do to promote peace and mutual understanding in your community?”

Where: MLK Parlor C ,Delaware State University, 1200 N. DuPont Highway, Dover, DE 19901
When: 1:00 – 3:00 pm
Sponsored by: People to People Delaware, https://www.facebook.com/People-To-People-Delaware-Chapter-174564359244967/ and Delaware State University, https://www.desu.edu/
Questions?: Kim Burdick, kimPtPDE@aol.com or Rev. Pamela Adams, padams@desu.edu,  302.857.7627


Be the Change You Wish to See in The World (Wilmington)

People to People-Delaware’s theme for Peace Week 2017 is “Be the Change You Wish to See in The World.” Our program will feature an appearance by the Philadelphia-area Honorary Consul of Ghana, Michael Griffin. Our keynote speaker will be Mary Eisenhower, National PtP Board President. Our evening will be framed by multi-cultural music and dance performances by area residents. Small group discussion sessions coordinated by Mélaughn Butler of Association of College Pro-Activists, will focus on “What can you, as an individual, do to promote peace and mutual understanding in your community?”

Where:  Vale Court Room,  Widener/Delaware Law School, 4601 Concord Pike, Wilmington, De 19803
When: Optional buffet at 6:00 pm, fee charged; free program only, 7:00 – 9:30 pm
Sponsored by: People to People: Delaware, https://www.facebook.com/ People-To-People-Delaware-Chapter-174564359244967/
Advance Registration: Required for those attending the preliminary buffet, please email KimRburdick@aol.com
Questions?:  Kim Burdick, Executive Director, kimptpde@aol.com, leave a message, 302-543-5723

Pizza With the Wilmington Police

Meet and greet with Wilmington City Police Officers over pizza!

Where:  Woodlawn Library, 2020 West 9th Street, Wilmington, DE, 19805
When: 12:00 – 1:00 pm
Sponsored by: Woodlawn Library, www.nccde.org/woodlawn
Questions?: Kim Tull, krtull@nccde.org, 302-571-7425


Building Safer Communities in Delaware

Rita Landgraf, the former DHSS Cabinet Secretary and now Director of UD Partnership for Health Communities, will be joined by Wilmington Police Department Lt. Dan Selekman and Community Justice Reform Coalition Advocacy Director Amber Goodwin to speak about what’s next in the move toward safer communities in Delaware. Join the conversation and join us in the fight to end gun violence and to bring peace to our communities. Please invite your friends and colleagues.
This event will be live-streamed at chs.udel.edu and available via social media. Follow on Facebook at www.facebook.com/udchs closer to the event for live stream information!

Where:  The Delaware Contemporary, 200 S Madison St, Wilmington, DE 19801
When: 2:30-5:00 pm
Sponsored by: Delaware Coalition Against Gun Violence, http://decagv.org/
Advance Registration Suggested: George Higgins, irmc@verizon.net, 302-239-0762
Questions:   George Higgins, irmc@verizon.net, 302-239-0762

Live Viewing of “Building Safer Communities in Delaware” being hosted at the Delaware  Contemporary

 Modern technology allows us to make this important discussion available to a wider audience.  Come join your friends and neighbors in the Newark area. Program is described above.

Where:   STAR Health Atrium, 540 South College Avenue, Newark DE 19713
When: 2:30 – 5:00 pm
Sponsored by: STAR Health: University of Delaware,http://chs.udel.edu/clinical/, and Delaware Coalition Against Gun Violence, http://decagv.org/
Questions?: Rita Landgraf, landgraf@udel.edu

Peace-building in West Asia: reflections from the field in Iran and Pakistan

Professor Saleem Ali will share his experiences and conversations from the streets of Tehran and Islamabad to help us understand the reasons for mutual distrust with the United States in this region and suggest ways of overcoming the current tensions.

Where:  Unitarian Universalist Church of Newark, Mackinnon Hall, 420 Willa Road, Newark, DE 19711
When: 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Sponsored by: Social Justice Committee of Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Newark, http://uufn.org/justice/social-justice/
Questions?:    Donna Shand, co-chair, donnashand15@gmail.com, 302-388-7009

Peace Film

Showing of a peace-themed movie – followed by discussion of the film.

Where: Unitarian Universalist Church of Southern Delaware, 30486 Lewes Georgetown Highway (Route 9), Lewes, DE 19958
When: 7:00 –  9:00 pm
Sponsored by: Unitarian Universalist Church of Southern Delaware
Questions?: Susan Goekler, susangoekler@gmail.com, 330-414-7867

Star Health Tours

The STAR Health Sciences Complex houses core labs for use by teams of clinical and academic researchers. These shared spaces encourage basic scientists, clinicians, physician scholars, and students to work together conducting interdisciplinary and translational research that changes people’s lives.  Come to one of the tour sessions to check it out for yourself!

Where:  STAR Health Atrium, 540 South College Avenue, Newark DE 19713
When: 9/18:  1:00-2:00 pm, 9/21: 3:30-4:30 pm
Sponsored by: Star Health, University of Delaware, http://chs.udel.edu/clinical/
Questions:   Rita Landgraf, landgraf@udel.edu



Advance Care Planning Workshop (Seaford)

A panel of experts in the field of Advance Care Planning will speak about key regulatory issues, documents, and steps that should be taken when planning for end-of-life care.  They will then take questions from the audience.

Where:  Christ Lutheran Church, 315 N Shipley St, Seaford, DE 19973
When: 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Sponsored by: Delaware Hospice, Inc., www.delawarehospice.org and Delaware Academy of Medicine , www.delamed.org
Questions?: Kate Smith, ksmith@delamed.org, 302-733-5571

Tuesday, Sept. 19


100 Years of
Peace and Justice: Humanitarian
Rights for All

Talk by Bill Frelick, Director, Refugee Rights Program at Human Rights Watch, where he monitors, investigates, and documents human rights abuses against refugees, asylum seekers, and internally displaced persons, and advocates for the rights and humanitarian needs of all categories of forcibly displaced persons around the world.

Where: Wilmington Friends Meetinghouse,
401 N. West St., Wilmington, DE 19801
When: 7:00-8:30 pm
Sponsored by: Pacem in Terris: www.depaceminterris.org
Questions?:   Medard Gabel, mg@depaceminterris.org, 302-656-2721


Peace Jubilee!

Peace Jubilee: from sea-to-shining-sea here’s to peace & harmony! Join us for stories and songs about peace for the whole family.

Where:  Kirkwood Library, 6000 Kirkwood Highway, Wilmington, DE, 19808
When: 10:30 – 11:30 am
Sponsored by: New Castle County Delaware, www.nccde.org/kirkwood
Questions?:   Elisabeth Simmons, esimmons@nccde.org, 302-995-7663


Peace and Yoga Story Time
Ages 1–5

Namaste. Recognize Peace Week with a Yoga Tales story time focused on being kind to each other. (Daycares are limited to 10 children. Ages 1–5.)

Where: Woodlawn Library, 2020 West 9th Street, Wilmington 19805
When: 11:00 a.m.to 11:30 a.m.
Sponsored by: Woodlawn Library, www.nccde.org/woodlawn
Questions?:  (302) 571-7425

Women’s Issues in Delaware: How Can You Make a Difference For Women Locally and Globally? 


Would you like to make a difference in the lives of women, both globally and locally in Delaware? Come listen to two engaging speakers who share a commitment to women’s issues and make a personal commitment with other Delawareans to make a difference. Betsy Teutsch, Philadelphia activist, Dining for Women member, and author of 100 Under $100: One Hundred Tools for Empowering Global Women will speak about affordable solutions for helping women escape extreme poverty around the world highlighting projects from her book. Kay Keenan, chair of Delaware Fund for Women (FFW) and President of Growth Consulting, will address similar women’s challenges in Delaware and how FFW has funded local agencies to implement solutions. You will then have the chance to talk with others about how you can get involved to make a meaningful difference in the lives of Delaware women.

Where:  Woodlawn Library, 2020 W. Ninth Street, Wilmington, DE 19805
When: 6:45 – 8:30 pm
Advance Registration Suggested: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/peace-week-women-event-tickets-36935569282
Sponsored by: Dining for Women Wilmington-1 Chapter and Delaware Fund for Women, www.diningforwomen.org www.delcf.org/ffw
Questions?:   Sally Barclay, sallybar913@gmail.com, 515-708-0489


Interfaith Veterans’ Workgroup Movie

Viewing of the film From War to Wisdom, with veterans leading discussion afterwards.

Learn more about our film by listening to this podcast courtesy of David and Debra Travino. It takes about 15 minutes and can be listened to here:  podcast 

Where:  Presbyterian Church of the Covenant, 503 Duncan Road, 19809; Wilm.; across from Mt. Pleasant Elementary School
When: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Sponsored by: Interfaith Veterans Workgroup, http://www.ivw.website
Questions?:   Tom Davis; tcd123@gmail.com; 302-429-0607

Know Your Neighbor: An Interfaith Conversation

Representatives of the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faiths will share the basics of their respective tradition, as well as its meaning for them personally. Brief presentations will be followed by a panel discussion. The hope is that this conversation may lead to a variety of further interfaith gatherings, based on the premise that the more we know our neighbor, the better we can love our neighbor.

Where: Christ Episcopal Church, 501 South State Street, Dover, DE 19903
When: 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Sponsored by: Christ Episcopal Church, christchurchdover.org
Advance Registration Suggestedoffice@christchurchdover.org
Questions?: Fr. Chuck Weiss, (302) 734-5731

Getting Your Feet Wet: Activism 101 (Rehoboth)

Justice and Activism 101, how do you get started and get involved in working for justice?  This workshop will introduce participants to involvement in justice work and social action.

Where:  Metropolitan Community Church of Rehoboth, 19369 Plantation Rd., Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
When: 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Sponsored by: Metropolitan Community Church of Rehoboth, www.mccrehoboth.com
Questions?: Rev. Elder Diane Fisher, revdianefisher@gmail.com, 302-645-4945

Wednesday, Sept. 20


YWCA Open House and Community Conversation on Promoting Peace in West Center City

YWCA Delaware’s Racial & Social Justice Director will facilitate a conversation on “promoting peace in West Center City.” The event is free and open to everyone. We hope this will be an opportunity for West Center City stakeholders, in particular, to connect and brainstorm healthy ways to develop the community and promote peace. Join us; we will have snacks available, and children are welcome. Visitors will also be able to learn more about the Home Life facility and all the programs of YWCA Delaware.

 Where:  YWCA Home Life Management Center, 709 N. Madison Street, Wilmington, DE 19801
When: 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Sponsored by: YWCA Delaware, www.ywcade.org
Advance Registration Suggested: Lynda Pusey, lpusey@ywcade.org
Questions?: Lynda Pusey, lpusey@ywcade.org, 302-655-0039 x223

Rumi: Poems of Peace, Love, and Harmony

In these troubled times, many are looking for avenues for greater inner peace. Participants will listen to Rumi’s poetry, learn about the poet and his times and messages, and have an opportunity to express themselves through art and the written word. Social hour with refreshments to follow.

Where:  Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Newark, 420 Willa Road, Newark, DE, 19711
When: 6:30-9:00 pm
Sponsored by: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Newark,www.uufn.org, and American Turkish Friendship Association
Advance Registration Suggested: Donna Shand, donnash,and15@gmail.com, 302-388-7009
Questions?:   Donna Shand, donnashand15@gmail.com, 302-388-7009

Meditation 101

Learn the power and practice of meditation.  Participants will be invited to join in  a guided meditation. Peace Week Delaware believes that peace begins with each of us and meditation is a great first step in bringing peace into our lives.

Where:  Woodlawn Library, 2020 West 9th Street, Wilmington, DE 19805
When: 7:00 – 8:00 pm
Sponsored by: Woodlawn Library, nccde.org/woodlawn
Advance Registration Required: Kim Tull, krtull@nccde.org, (302) 571-7425
Questions?: Kim Tull, krtull@nccde.org, (302) 571-7425


Community Walkabout and BBQ

Grow the numbers and increase the impact of this weekly community walkabout with police, city officials, and residents. Join us for a BBQ in the Sun Park to celebrate the SUN anniversary following the walkabout.

Where: 22nd and Lamotte St, Wimington, DE 19802
When: 5:30-6:30 pm
Sponsored by: S.U.N., Safe United Neighborhoods/ Praying Ground Community Church – Wilmington, Delaware
Questions?:   Saundra Ben ,prayingground@yahoo.com, 302-530-6881

“I Am Not a Racist”—
Confronting Race, Racism, and White Supremacy!

In this 2-hour facilitated workshop, participants will explore white privilege and structural racism in society through their personal experiences of race. Questions include: How does white supremacy affect all of us—and not just black and brown people? What can we do to combat racism in our personal lives, workplaces, and government structures?

Where: First Unitarian Church, 730 Halstead St, Wilmington, DE, 19803
When: 6:00-8:00 pm
Sponsored by: Coalition to Dismantle the New Jim Crow & First Unitarian Church of Wilmington
Questions?: Darlene Scott, darlenescott99@gmail.com

Providing Emergency Assistance for Syrian Refugees

Presentation by Mr. Nizar Alkurdi, founder of Narenj Tree Foundation, which sends a full container each month of essential supplies to Syrian refugee camps. The foundation is headquartered in Pennsylvania but reaches out to Delaware and surrounding states for volunteers to help fill the containers. This is one way for those of us who seek worldwide peace to help displaced communities caught in the horrors of war. It is suggested that items for the containers be brought to this event. The items we are accepting are: school supplies, personal hygiene items, children’s underwear and children’s galoshes/rain boots. Delawareans are invited to donate items at the various drop-off points in all three counties during PWD.  They are listed at www.silversidechurch.org.

Where:  Silverside Church, 2800 Silverside Road, Wilmington DE 19810
When: 6:00 – 8:00 pm for dinner(RSVP); 7:00 – 8:00 pm for program only
Sponsored by: Silverside Church, www.silversidechurch.org
Advance registration suggested: Mary Lew Bergman, rmlberg38@gmail.com, 302-529-1097
Questions?: Mary Lew Bergman, rmlberg38@gmail.com, 302-529-1097


Prayer Walk 

A small group of individuals will come together to construct a prayer labyrinth on the front lawn of the church.  The labyrinth is a tool that has been used for centuries by many cultures and religious traditions. By focusing on inner calm, individuals leave the labyrinth ready to take on the work of being peace in the larger community. Continued practice builds a peaceful person who role-models compassionThe wider community will be invited to use the labyrinth for personal walking meditation for the rest of the week and as long as weather permits, so that the practice and benefits extend beyond September.

Where: Zion Lutheran Church lawn, 2101 Lancaster Avenue, Wilmington, DE 19805
When: 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Sponsored by: Zion Lutheran Church, www.zionluther.org
Questions?: Melissa P. Lemons, 646-229-9727  or 302-803-8866

Understanding Immigration in Kent County

Although diversity in our communities has increasingly caught society’s attention during the last four decades, historically -even before its inception- the U.S. soil has fostered a variety of demographic movements that make us question today’s definition of immigration. To fully understand the immigration experience, we ought to review personal, sociological, and historical components that redefine the term; who do we label as “immigrants”? With this background, we will, with fresher eyes, see our relationships as neighbors in Kent County, in the U.S. and in the global village. Charito Calvachi-Mateyko will provide the Hispanic-Latino perspective. She is a restorative justice practitioner and a passionate promoter of racial justice and the Latino cultureEnglish-Spanish translations will be provided.

Wells Theater is located in Slaybaugh Hall off Cecil Street and the North Plaza of the Wesley College Campus. (Blue and white balloons will be displayed at the door). You can also park earlier at Wesley United Methodist Church (209 S. State St., Dover, DE) to share a quick meal at 6:00 pm. By 6:20 pm, you can walk to the theater or take a free shuttle.

Where:  Wells Theater at Wesley College, 120 North State Street Dover Dover, DE 19901.
When: 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Sponsored by: La Caminante, www.facebook.com/lacaminantedover/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel
Questions?: Carlos S. Reyes-Rodríguez, carlospendel@gmail.com, 443-846-3365

Thursday, Sept. 21


Peace Day Radio Jam

Get ready to get your peace jam on!   Shelley Kelley, WVUD JAVA Time host, will play a lineup of peace songs on the International Day of Peace, Thursday September 21st from 7-7:30 am.   Featuring the “activist” songs of John Denver but of course must include Bob Marley and maybe even some local rappers!

Where:  WVUD Radio Station
When: 7:00 – 7:30 am
Sponsored by: Shelley Kelley, Thursday JAVA Time host
Questions?: Jeanne Swartz, lifeforcefrompeace@yahoo.com, 302-256-8428

Growing Healthy Families: Free Community Health Screening Event

Growing Healthy Families is family friendly, free, and open to the public. Participants can expect FREE health screenings, local produce, kids’ crafts, music, and community resources. The goal is to connect the community to health care resources where they live. Over 300 participants are expected to attend!

Where: Westside Family Healthcare – Northeast Health Center, 908-B East 16th St., Wilmington DE 19802
When: 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sponsored by: Westside Family Healthcare
Questions?: Leann Marcinekleann.marcinek@westsidehealth.org, (302) 656-8292

Building a Sustainable Peace

Define what peace means to you in your local community. Learn a framework for making results sustainable and how to improve year-to-year.

Where:  Wilmington Jaycees Clubhouse, 1309 N. Scott Street, Wilmington, DE 19806
When: 5:30 – 7:30 pm
Sponsored by: Wilmington Jaycees, WilmingtonJaycees.com
Questions?: Duncan Holyoke, thewilmingtonjaycees@gmail.com, 302-559-4651

Delawareans Working for Equal Justice in Occupied Palestine

A presentation and discussion covering the reasons why advocates for peace and justice support the end of the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Following a short video, a discussion will be led by Mike and Rob Abel. Mike is a Palestinian-American who has traveled extensively to the Middle East, Israel, West Bank and Gaza on peace and medical missions. Through her advocacy work, she addresses a wide range of audiences, students, and interfaith organizations on the current realities in Palestine and Israel. Dr. Rob Abel is a Jewish-American ophthalmologist who has worked in Israel, Palestine and the Arab world. He has performed and taught cataract surgery in Palestine with the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund. His mission is supporting human rights for all Palestinians, ending settlements and freedom of speech in Israel.

Where:  Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1502 W. 13th Street, Wilmington, DE 19806
When: 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Sponsored by: Pacem in Terris Palestine-Israel Human Rights Initiative and Westminster Presbyterian Church, www.depaceminterris.org and http://www.wpc.org
Questions: June Eisley, peace4june@gmail.com, (302) 475-0407

Wilmington Peacekeepers Community Barbecue

The Wilmington Peacekeepers Association will hold its annual cookout in Bancroft Park.This year’s theme is “Bridging the Gaps in the Community”. The Peacekeepers believe that our communities need healing from the violence that plagues our city. This event is one of the olive branches that we extend to all communities in Wilmington to come out and be part of something inspiring and important. There will also be an inspirational poem read by our own Sister Diamond. Come out for food, drinks, and fun—and meet other people who care about what is happening in our communities.

Where:  Bancroft Park, 9th & Spruce St.. Wilmington DE 19801
When: 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Sponsored by: Wilmington Peacekeepers Association, https://www.facebook.com/Wilmington-Peacekeepers-724864260963028/
Questions?: Bro. Lamotte, lamottexx35@gmail.com, 302-559-9730; or Bro. Bilal, ceaso.hawkins@yahoo.com, 302-293-8889.

Resilience in the Face of Trauma, A Mindfulness Approach 

This talk will address what being resilient means in the context of trauma and how mindfulness can influence personal, genetic and environmental factors in the face of triggering circumstances.

 Where:  STAR Health Atrium, 540 South College Avenue, Newark DE 19713
When: 5:00 – 6:30 pm
Sponsored by: STAR Health: University of Delaware, http://chs.udel.edu/clinical/,
Advance Registration Suggested: Register at: https://goo.gl/forms/zgeAD5TvOhUWNRNw2
Questions: Rita Landgraf, landgraf@udel.edu

Star Health Tours

Tour the STAR Health Sciences Complex which houses core labs for health-related research from 3:30 -4:30 pm.  See listing for Monday, Sept. 18.

Friday, Sept. 22


Real School Safety Problem

Second Day Rosh Hashanah Brunch & Discussion

Aaron Kupchick , author of The Real School Safety Problem: The Long-Term Consequences of Harsh School Punishmentwill discuss the long-term consequences of harsh discipline in schools.

Where: Congregation Beth Emeth, 300 West Lea Boulevard, Wilmington, DE, 19802
When: 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Sponsored by: Congregation Beth Emeth, www.bethemethde.org
Questions?: Yair Robinson, RabbiRobinson@cbe.comcastbiz.net, 302-764-2393

Visit Friday Prayer Service at the Muslim Center of Wilmington

Have you ever visited a mosque or talked with Muslims? We invite you to come and see for yourself.  Observe Muslims making their Friday Congregational Prayer together and offer your own private prayers at that time.  Prayer takes place after a brief sermon. Everyone is asked to remove their shoes before going into the sanctuary. Notice that men and women are seated separately. Everyone is seated on the floor except for those who are handicapped. At the conclusion of the prayer service (about 2 pm), there will be time for Q&A and socializing. We look forward to welcoming you!
Note: It would be a nice gesture for visiting ladies to wear long skirt or slacks, and a head scarf, though this is not mandatory. Our building is handicap accessible. Food vendors are on hand for those who miss lunch.

Where:  Muslim Center of Wilmington / Masjid Al Kauthar, 2102 Northeast Blvd, Wilmington, DE 19802
When: 1:15 pm – 2:00 pm
Sponsored by: Muslim Center of Wilmington
Questions?: Sharon Ali, sharonali.eds@gmail.com, 302-290-3203

Fall Equinox Labyrinth Walk

Join us at the Delaware Art Museum for a meditative walk in the labyrinth. The path provides an experience that quiets the mind and brings feelings of peace, harmony, relaxation and connection. A labyrinth can be a metaphor for life, we sometimes feel lost but if we stay on the path we will reach the center.  Come out and walk in meditation with your community.

Where:  Delaware Art Museum, 2301 Kentmere Parkway, Wilmington, DE, 19806
When: 6:00 to 7:00 pm
Sponsored by: Delaware Art Museum, www.delart.org
Questions?: Eliza Jarvis, ejarvis@delart.org, 302-351-8522


Art as

Youth will present art of any kind that speaks to “What a Peaceful City Feels and Looks Like”


Where:  Academy for Peace, 203 N. Market Street , Wilmington, Delaware, 19801
When: 4:00-6:00 pm
Sponsored by: Academy for Peace
Advance Registration Suggested: Dr. Jay Macklin, janeairmacklin@aol.com, 302-384-0156
Questions?:   Dr. Jay Macklin, janeairmacklin@aol.com, 302-384-0156


Coffee for Peace:
Live Music, Food, Featuring Delaware’s Twin Poets

An evening of peace-filled activities at St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church, featuring the Twin Poets, identical twins Al Mills and Nnamdi Chukwuocha. They are social workers, award-winning spoken word poets, community activists, and the 17th Poets Laureate of Delaware. They use spoken poetry to transform the lives of young people in communities affected by gun violence. Throughout the event, enjoy coffee from Scission, outdoor acoustic music, and conversation. Plus food trucks! Volunteers welcome. Contact office@ststeph.org or call 302-652-7623.

Where: St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church , 1301 N Broom Street, Wilmington, Delaware, 19806
When: 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Sponsored by: St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church, www.saintstephenslutheranchurch.org
Questions?:    Kanchalee Reeves, office@ststeph.org, 302-652-7623


“Choice Road”
Violence Prevention
Program featuring
live performance
by “El Rod”


A 15 minute film produced in Wilmington, followed by a presentation regarding medical consequences of gun violence. The event concludes with a live performance by rapper “El Rod.”

Where: Kingswood Community Center, 2300 Bowers Street, Wilmington, DE, 19802
When: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Sponsored by: Christiana Care Health System, Trauma Program
Questions?: Chaz Molins, cmolins@christianacare.org , 302 -733-4996

 Demystifying Arab Culture

Nawar Shora is a Senior Policy Advisor with the Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection, National Targeting Center’s Counter-Terrorism Division.  His presentation, run as an interactive discussion, is based on his book, The Arab American Handbook.  Subjects covered include: communities targeted for radicalization, including Arabs, Arab-Americans, and Muslims; differences between Arabs and Muslims,both domestically and globally; background on Islam and its belief system; social and behavioral norms. Discussions are approached from a non-threatening, light hearted angle which helps to build trust and breakdown barriers.

Where:  Delaware State University, Bank of America Building, Room 113, 1200 N Dupont Hwy, Dover, DE 19901
When: 1:00 – 3:00 pm (with 10-minute intermission)
Sponsored by: Wesley United Methodist Church, www.wesleyumc-dover.comThe Presbyterian Church of Dover, & Delaware State University
Questions?: Rev. Amy Yarnall, Wesley UMC,
pastor.amy@wesleyumc-dover.com, 302-354-2982; Chaplain Pamela Adams, Delaware State University, 302-270-7739,  PAdams@desu.edu

Saturday, Sept. 23


4th Annual March for a Culture of Peace

Let’s bring everyone together—city and suburban; black, brown and white; Anglo, African, and Hispanic; native-born and immigrant, advantaged and disadvantaged; Christian, Muslim and Jew; young and old; people of all political views—to show that we are one community opposed to violence, murder, poverty, racism, and exclusion. This is our fourth annual March for a Culture of Peace.

Where: March begins and ends in Wilmington’s Rodney Square, 10th & Market, Wilmington, DE, 19801,followed by A Day of Peace (event described below)
What: A peace march through Wilmington’s West side/Hilltop neighborhood, ending in a rally.
When: 11:30 am to 12:30 pm, followed by Day of Peace (below)
Questions?: Medard Gabel, mg@depaceminterris.org, 302-656-2721
Sponsored byMovement for a Culture of Peace
Volunteers needed: contact march@peaceweekdelaware.org


 A Day of Peace:
Community Rally
and Resource Day

Not just a rally, but a day of peace for our community sparked by a grass-roots, anti-violence campaign. The purpose of this event is to make a team effort to empower our youth and change their perspective by showing them the many local opportunities available to them—and to directly connect them with existing resources that meet their needs.

Where: Wilmington’s Rodney Square,10th & Market, Wilmington, DE, 19806
What: Live performances, dance, activities, games, employment resources, wellness, vendors, National Guard, sports recruiters & more!
When: March for a Culture of Peace begins 11:30. Rally and Rodney Square event starts 12:30. Ends 4:30.
Sponsored by: 302 Guns Down
Questions?: Michaelena de Jesus, 302-723-8474
You can help: Interested in sponsoring or vending? Table space is free. Email: 302gunsdown@gmail.com

How to Keep your Child Safe

Stop by the Nemours/Alfred injury prevention and how to keep your children safe.  There will be a variety of information on bike and helmet safety, ATV safety, fire prevention, and poison prevention.  Kids can spin the safety wheel and receive a prize for answering safety questions.   Stop by our table to enter a raffle to win a bike helmet.

Where: Rodney Square, 920 N Market Street, Wilmington, DE 19801
When: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Sponsored by: Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children
Questions?: Kathy Gallagher, Kathleen.Gallagher@Nemours.org, (302) 494-0505

Service for Others Day

To honor the three beloved firefighters who fell last year and to honor their commitment to serving others, the Fickes family members are sponsoring a community service day.  All are invited to volunteer at LCS where opportunities will include gardening, grounds cleanup, pantry cleanup, and more. If you would like to participate, please sign-up by September 21st.

Where:  Lutheran Community Services, 2809 Baynard Blvd, Wilmington, DE 19802
When: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Sponsored by: Lutheran Community Services, www.LCSde.org
Registration Required: www.VolunteerDelaware.org
Questions?: LBudd, LBudd@LCSde.org, 302 654-8886 Ext. 107

Songs in the Key of Peace

Come and listen to local musicians perform music inspired by themes of peace, as well as calming tunes for the soul.

Where:  Wilmington Public Library-Common Room, 10th E. 10th Street, Wilmington, DE 19801
When: 1-2p.m.
Sponsored by: Wilmington Public Library, http://wilmington.lib.de.us/
Questions?: Iliana Burgos, iliana.burgos@lib.de.us, (302)-571-7400 ext. 2404

 Peace-Building Traditions

Native Equadorian,  Charito Calvachi-Mateyko, presents popular history, folktales, native traditions and the history of resistance to injustice from multiple perspectives. All ages are welcome.

Where:  Kirkwood Library, 6000 Kirkwood Highway, Wilmington, DE 19808
When: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Sponsored by: Kirkwood Library, http://www.nccde.org/kirkwood
Questions?: Steven Davis, sgdavis@nccde.org, (302) 995-7663

Collaboration for Change: Kenya

David Onserio Monda, a professor of political science at City University of New York, will talk about the recent Kenyan elections and the foreign policy challenges Kenyans face. Water is Life Kenya is a Newark, Delaware-based nonprofit working to bring water to remote villages in Southern Kenya. Water is Life-Kenya’s work is guided by 4 key values: (1) Love your neighbor as yourself. (2) Don’t do for others what they can do for themselves. (3) Community involvement (4) Recognizing the individual’s ability, with others, to change things for the better. See also: (https://waterislifekenya.com/home/joyces-story/).

Where: Lewes Public Library, 111 Adams Ave, Lewes, DE 19958, www.leweslibrary.org
When: 4:00 – 6:00 pm
Sponsored by: People to People Delaware:  https://www.facebook.com/People-To-People-Delaware-Chapter-174564359244967/ and Water is Life Kenya:  https://waterislifekenya.com/
Questions?: Patrick Kelly, P to P-De, (484) 574-045 Colleen Leithren, Life-Kenya, (302) 894-7335, email: KimPtPDE@aol.com

Sunday, Sept. 24


Open House at Five Outreach Programs

Two food pantries, the clothing closet and two shelters are hosting an open house. Attendees will be able to tour the facilities to experience ways the Dover community is caring for those families in need. There will be volunteers available to answer questions.

 Where:  Wesley Methodist Church; Holy Cross Catholic Church; First Baptist Church; People’s Place Shelter, 3 Vera’s Way, Dover;and  Dover Interfaith Mission for Housing Shelter (DIMH), 684 Forest St, Dover.
When: 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Sponsored by: Kent Ecumenical Ministirium
Questions:   Kathy Lessard, kfl@lessardbuilders.com, 302-698-1091

Interfaith Conversations

Leaders from various faith traditions will lead conversations about peace and peacemaking as they are found in the texts, practices, and experiences of their tradition.

Where: Hanover Presbyterian Church, 1801 N. Jefferson St., Wilmington, DE, 19802
When: 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Doors open at 2:30)
Sponsored by: 9th Ward Interfaith Coalition/Hanover Presbyterian Church
Questions?: Andy Jacob,  pastor@hanoverchurch.org, 302-658-5114

Peace Train: Next Stop – HOUSING

“Peace Train: Next Stop – HOUSING” is an interactive presentation on homelessness, its emerging issues, and remedies. The impact of Delaware’s pending Homeless Bill of Rights and the National Housing Not Handcuffs campaign are central to the presentation and the meaning of peace for those who do not have safe, affordable, and secure housing.

Where:  Bear Library, 101 Governors Place, Bear, DE 19701
When: 2:00 – 4;00 PM
Sponsored by: HerStory Ensemble,  www.herstoryensemble.com
Questions?: DeBorah Gilbert White, herstorytotell@gmail.com, 302-385-6230

Out of the Ashes

A dramatic expression of the real-life journey of father and son who struggle while building a relationship after 14 years of separation. How do a father and son find peace and healing?

Where:  The Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew (SsAM), 719 N. Shipley Street, Wilmington, DE, 19801
When: 3:00-5:00 pm
Sponsored by: The Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew (SsAM), www.ssam.org
Questions?:   Diane-Louise Casson, dlcasson@ssam.org, 302-656-6628

Pathways to Peace:
Broadening our Understanding of American Muslims

This event will present a panel of local Muslim experts to help us replace common, erroneous assumptions about Islam with accurate information about its tenets and beliefs—and to increase our appreciation of its value and contributions to our shared world. The panel discussion will be followed by a break-out session during which participants will discuss what they learned, share stories to promote human connection, and brainstorm ways to continue making actionable progress.  During the discussion, we will serve a light meal, consisting of a sampling of Middle Eastern appetizers, often called a “meze.”

Where:  Resurrection Parish, 3000 Videre Dr, Wilmington, DE 19808
When: 4:00-6:00 pm
Sponsored by: Resurrection Parish,  www.resurrectionde.org
Advance Registration Suggested: Debbie Seymour, 302-368-0146 or dseymour@resurrectionde.org
Questions?: Peggy Smith, pegsmith@comcast.net, 302-737-8927