We received feedback from 71 events – 62% response
See attached spreadsheet for breakdown and comments
6200 approximate attendees, from 53 zip codes, including PA and MD
Key Note Event
Held at Warner Elementary on September 21 from 4 – 6 pm
12 performances, including poems, music, dance, and spoken word from local artists
190 attendees
Approximately 8 organizations tabling in the lobby, promoting their PWD events
Balloon artist and DJ entertained the crowd outside from 3 – 4 pm
Cajun Sno food truck was parked out front, selling sno-cones
Heard lots of positive feedback
DH evaluator report called it “very engaging and enjoyable.”
K-12 – Pat, Sue, Moira
In April we sent an invitational letter and links to resources for Peace Week to
all the colleges and universities in DE
the school boards and superintendents of all DE districts
principals and heads of private schools in New Castle County and
preschools in Red Clay School District
In July we decided to focus on preschools and planned a book fair at Barnes & Noble to raise money to buy picture books about peace to distribute to preschools
The book fair, held on August 24. We raised $950 and the donation of 17 books
The celebrity story times and raffle basket was met with little enthusiasm
We passed out many PWD postcards
We were able to distribute 31 packets, including four books and five peace week mini-lesson plans in each to preschools in the 19801, 19802 and 19805 zip codes
Our efforts to distribute through pickup at two libraries met with limited response, so many packets were delivered
We got next to no feedback from our two emails, and found that actually calling preschools to offer information, materials, and books got a pretty enthusiastic response
Going forward, we will look to
Set up book fairs at both Barnes & Noble locations next year
Connect with area colleges for PWD 2020, while maintaining our foothold in preschool education
DE Humanities Grant
CrowdRise online fundraiser
Letter Writing Campaign
Ainsley’s Pharmacy “Nickels for the Neighborhood”
Trinity Health Mid-Atlantic – St. Francis Healthcare
Awakening Heart Spiritual Center
Dining Out Night at Grotto Pizza
Guest Bartender Event at Brandywine Brewing Company
Steering Committee Member Andre Dagenais sent out 16 MailChimps, including information about Event Development Workshop, Event Registration, Donation Challenge, B&N Book Fair, Kick Off Event, PWD events, Peace March, Nonviolent Wilmington
MailChimp engagement reported 32% opened Often, 14% opened sometimes, and 50% opened rarely
Thank You Organizers post was opened at 63% for 52/82 recipients
Invitation to Community Celebration was 36.43% for 533/1473 recipients
Updates were made to the website by Andre and David Hallberg, a local web designer
We received 825 new email addresses from the event attendees and will add those to our distribution list
Postcards, pins, business cards, bumper stickers, lawn signs
Event program – still our most powerful tool
Distribute sooner? Earlier deadline?
Guidebook – online guide to promote and update throughout PWD?
Press Relations – Stephanie
Save the Date Postcards were distributed at the Village Farm BBQ, the Wilmington Jazz Festival, Coffee shops, restaurants, fitness centers, churches, retail shops on Market Street, Community Centers and Senior Centers
In face-to-face communication, we need more information about events. Post cards are not enough for people unfamiliar with PWD
Perhaps we should mail postcards to previous organizers and attendees
Press Releases
43 news outlets were targeted
Sent Save-the Date Press Release in May and July
Sent detailed release in September
Media Outreach
July – DE Today – No Free Options
Out and About presented general info in FYI section of June edition; July – declined a feature writer; August – printed general info in FYI section of September edition
DE Business Times Giving Guide Supplement $700 – 800 – revisit next year
News Journal
Printed general information in fall calendar in print and online editions
All attempts to reach Betsy Price were unanswered – need new contact
Letters to the Editor sent – Moira Donoghue’s was published
Submitted Op Ed which was not published
Covered Peace March with story and pictures
The Catholic Dialogue published general information in August/September edition
WDEL ran recorded interview with PWD Chair Kim Tull in September – result of press release or from Pam’s reaching out to Alan Loudell
Posted on various Next Door websites
Pacem in Terris highlighted PWD in August and September newsletters
WVUD repeated PWD programming and promoting
Channel 6 filmed Pizza With the Police and aired that night on ABC
Wellness Day table
Fund for Women distribution list
Brandywine Arts Festival – very few takers here
Kick Off Events
Rt. Rev. Kevin S. Brown XI Bishop of DE posted recognition of PWD on YouTube
Need to target Peace in the Street event next year
Next Steps
Target Under 50s with an electronic campaign
Target Over 50s with communications already in play at houses of worship, service and book clubs, Osher, African American Sororities, etc.
Target WHYY Radio Times
Expand to other regional calendars
Outreach meetings with community centers
Social Media
Facebook – all events posted throughout summer months, up to and including daily posts of events during PWD, highest engagement was 11% with up to 547 recipients
Twitter – listed all programs and included reminders
Created a new Instagram account; fewer posts made here vs Twitter, although per-post engagement was better
Look to link all social media platforms next year
Total Income for 2019 was $9440.89, with $1263.67 rolled over
Total Expenses as of 9/10/19 was $6144.19
Peace Action News: A blog for promoting peace in our community.