Welcome to this listing of events for 2022.
We are pleased to offer this detailed listing of all the events for Peace Week 2022. A sincere thank you to all the event organizers whose community commitment makes this possible. These are listed in reverse chronology. Please note that the “Register” button has been disabled; these are past events. They are made available here to provide ideas for future events.
October 17, 2022
10/17/2022 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm ![]() Register Here |
Positive Psychology Virtual Workshop-Roadmap to a Peaceful Life
Positive psychology is a new field of study based on decades of research into the components necessary to live a flourishing and peaceful life. Through positive psychology you can find answers to the questions: ‘What’s right with you? How can we build more of that? And, how do you stay aligned with peace while amidst ‘chaos’. This free virtual workshop will offer you tools to take back the reins of your life, manage your thoughts, shift your emotions, and inspire your actions. We will identify simple tweaks to your schedule, outlook and habits that can lead to dramatic and measurable increases to your inner peace and well-being. For more info: https://www.resilience-mastery.com |
10/17/2022 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm ![]() Register Here |
Racial Justice Healing Circle
This is a post-Peace Week Delaware event. Circle, a journey for your entire being in the presence of those who treasure you as a human being. Together we can be enlightened with each other’s wisdom. Bring your wholeness: Your beautiful mind, your authentic heart, your lively body, and omnipresent spirit. As a restorative justice practitioner our circle keeper will be Charito Calvachi-Mateyko. Delaware Humanities Speaker https://dehumanities.org/speaker/charito-calvachi-mateyko/ This is an on-line program. Information and a zoom link will be sent to registrants. Please commit to completing the full 2-hour program. The following link will provide a brief outline for how this program will work: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MoICWHHUBES43JGXnGq1nIur6h7pHT1b/view?usp=sharing |
October 16, 2022
10/16/2022 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm ![]() Register Here |
Peace Dance Virtual Workshop with Arden in Motion
Zoom Event Unleash your creative power and express your inner vision of peace through this movement and meditation virtual workshop featuring live music and instruction by Certified Group Motion facilitators to create your own peace dance. This is a creative practice for all ages, no prior experience needed. Both dancers and nondancers alike are welcomed. This unique Group Motion Workshop via zoom celebrates the universal language of movement and creates a ritual space for building and celebrating community based on peace and understanding.
10/16/2022 10:30 am - 11:45 am ![]() Register Here |
Awakened Heart Peace Week DE Kirtan Concert with Yvette Om
Come join us at Awakened Heart for a Sunday Celebration of Life featuring a heart filled morning of sacred sound and Kirtan Celebrated singer, author, intuitive, Yvette has a passion for awakening the hidden song within us all. Her style of kirtan (chant) is harmonic, bringing in all the colors of the chakras to dance with each other. Yvette has released 5 inspirational albums. She is a yoga teacher as well as a personal coach for the voice/chant and the sweet droning harmonium. To learn more about Yvette, see her website www.yvetteom.com No registration required, all are welcome! |
October 15, 2022
10/15/2022 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm ![]() Register Here |
Pause for Peace: Walk the Labyrinth and Plant Peace with Every Step
Be the Peace you wish to see in the world by Pausing for Peace and Walking the Labyrinth, Planting Peace One Step At a Time in the comfort of the CCArts Auditorium |
10/15/2022 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm ![]() Register Here |
The Wilmington Children's Chorus & Delaware Art Museum present: Keeping Traditions Alive featuring the Red Blanket Singers
Join the Wilmington Children’s Chorus, The Red Blanket Singers, and musicians from the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Tribal Nation for this unique “informance” during Delaware’s Peace Week! Members of the Wilmington Children’s Chorus Performing Choirs will celebrate the songs and artistry of the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape people and audience members will learn about the history, culture, and rich musicality of this Tribal Nation.
Advance registration is required: https://delart.org/event/keeping-traditions-alive/
10/15/2022 10:00 am - 12:30 pm ![]() Register Here |
Walking the Labyrinth for Peace
To foster peace in our lives and in the world, we must cultivate peace within. Walking a labyrinth is a form of meditation in motion that refreshes your spirit. Come walk our indoor, candle-lit, Chartres pattern labyrinth, accompanied by recorded flute music composed by Ulla Suokko as an “invocation for peace”. The walk is a drop-in event. Ten walkers at a time will be admitted to the labyrinth. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Masks are optional Visitors may arrive anytime from 10am – 12:30 pm. Allow approximately 30 minutes to complete your walk. Hosts will provide assistance if needed. A selection of writings on Peace will also be available to help focus the intention for your walk. Finger labyrinths will be available for those who are physically unable to walk. |
October 14, 2022
10/14/2022 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm ![]() Register Here |
Stop Gun Violence: Panel Discussion
Join The Warehouse for a conversation with community members on the topic of gun violence. Panelist will speak about their experiences, the effect of gun violence in their lives, and the change they hope to see in the future. |
10/14/2022 5:00 pm - 7:45 pm ![]() Register Here |
Peace Of Pizza
“Peace Of Pizza” is a free celebration of community and caring for our neighbors and friends. The event is sponsored by St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church in Trolley Square ( aka The Food Pantry Church) and includes delicious pizza, dessert, jazz music and Cab Calloway students concert, remarks by Pr. Mark Walters and Peace Week Delaware organizers, and a performance by Bootless Stageworks. Here is the event schedule:
Click here for more information and ticket sales: https://www.bootless.org/i-am-my-own-wife/ We are handicap accessible and will have seating that accommodates those with mobility issues and those that require a seated meal.
October 13, 2022
10/13/2022 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm ![]() Register Here |
Your Neighbor's Faith - Peacemaking, Resistance and Hope
This event is part of a series of monthly virtual “Conversations on Topics of Faith” sponsored by the Clergy of the Faith Communities of the Southern Delaware Multi-Faith Steering Committee. In these monthly meetings community members and a diverse group of multi-faith clergy meet virtually to discuss, connect and explore important topics of the day and how communities of faith should respond. For Peace Week, Father Mark Harris of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, will lead a discussion on “Peacemaking, Resistance, and Hope”. The meeting format will be interactive with break out groups and discussion If you are also interested in participating in our regular monthly program, Conversations on Important Topics of Faith , you can register here: https://forms.gle/gMPFErMJmUZNWo8W8 . The program is held via zoom on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm, The member congregations of this organization are: Bethel United Methodist Church, Epworth United Methodist Church, Faith United Methodist Church, Islamic Society of Central Delaware, Israel United Methodist Church, Seaside Jewish Community, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware.
10/13/2022 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm ![]() Register Here |
Addressing Gun Violence in Wilmington
Would you like to know more about what is being done to address gun violence in Wilmington? Join us to hear the perspective of Delaware’s Department of Justice. Corie Priest, Community Engagement Specialist, will provide an overview of existing programs/partnerships, an assessment on progress and thoughts on what more can be done. Come with your questions. Hosted by Peace & Justice Work Group of Westminster Presbyterian Church. |
10/13/2022 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm ![]() Register Here |
Pacem in Terris Presents: The Human-Centered Principles We Need For Change
If change is inevitable and often necessary, how do we navigate transformation through a process that is human-centered? This conversation will explore some principles and practices that deepen community even while we push, confront and challenge ourselves and others. Join the Pacem in Terris Board and staff in welcoming Dr. Malik Muhammad at the Wilmington Library for our annual speaker event! Learn how his perspective is guiding our restorative justice and peace education work. |
10/13/2022 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm ![]() Register Here |
MLK VOICE 4 YOUTH Writing Workshop
High school students SPEAK UP by first writing about things important to you at MLK VOICE 4 YOUTH virtual writing workshop. Hone your creativity and writing skills to effectively and confidently convey your message for social change through peace and nonviolence. Learn how you can amplify your voice by participating in MLK VOICE 4 YOUTH, a spoken word contest for high school students. First prize $2,000. The online writing workshop will be held on Thursday, October 13 at 6 PM and led by Dr. Donna Blakey from Delaware State University. It is offered at no charge to students registered to compete in MLK VOICE 4 YOUTH 2023 for cash prizes: $2,000 first prize; $1,000, second prize; and $500 third prize. New in 2023, the middle school contestant with the top score will receive $250. In 2023, MLK VOICE 4 YOUTH will celebrate its 8th year encouraging youth to SPEAK UP for social change through respect, understanding, and compassion. To register for MLK VOICE 4 YOUTH visit: http://www.mlkvoice4youth.org |
10/13/2022 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm ![]() Register Here |
Tools for Engaging in Difficult Conversations
This session will include exercises and resources around Nonviolent Communication. The workshop leaders are highly experienced teachers and Alternatives to Violence Project facilitators. |
10/13/2022 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm ![]() Register Here |
Pizza with the Police
Get to know the Wilmington Police Officers over a couple of slices! Discuss local issues and concerns as part of Peace Week Delaware’s focus on community engagement, peace and justice. All ages welcome. |
10/13/2022 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ![]() Register Here |
Youth Mental Health First Aid
Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, peers, neighbors, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to help youth and adolescents (age 12-18) who are experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. For more information, please access: mentalhealthfirstaid.org We are grateful to have access to grant funding ,from the Wawa Foundation, that allows us to offer limited seats at no cost to U.S. residents, with preference to Delaware residents.
Register now as there are limited seats for this course: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/youth-mental-health-first-aid-2022-sponsored-by-the-wawa-foundation-tickets-354744679887 |
October 12, 2022
10/12/2022 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm ![]() Register Here |
No Environmental Justice, No Peace
Delaware Interfaith Power and Light will present and facilitate discussion around the topic of environmental justice with the climate change community. Join us to learn and share your expertise and opinions. Panelists include Haneef Saleem of DE ACLU, LaVaida Owens-White of DIPL Board & NAACP, Rev. Cornelius Berry of Ezion Mt. Carmel Church, and Representative Larry Lambert – DE General Assembly & Justice 40 Initiative. |
10/12/2022 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm ![]() Register Here |
Labyrinth Walk for Peace
“Peace is a journey of a thousand miles and it must be taken one step at a time.” Lyndon B. Johnson Walking a labyrinth is a way to journey inwards and find peace in your heart. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Newark https://uufn.org/event/peace-week-labyrinth/
10/12/2022 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm ![]() Register Here |
Ninth Ward Interfaith Coalition Presents: How Do We Walk Humbly With God? Event Cancelled
Sorry. In Scripture, the Prophet Micah teaches that we should do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God. But what does that really mean? How does that influence and effect our ability to create a world of non-violence within our communities, our families and ourselves? This diverse, interfaith panel discussion will explore these ideas in a dynamic, community-oriented conversation.
Covid protocols will be observed based on Congregation Beth Emeth policy in line with CDC guidelines. Please check in advance.
10/12/2022 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm ![]() Register Here |
Ecumenical Candle-lighting Service for the Victims of Gun Violence
Please join an ecumenical candle-lighting service to commemorate the victims of gun violence in our community. Anne McWalters of Moms Demand Action and State Representative Sherry-Dorsey Walker will share a message with the assembled. The keynote speaker will be Vy. Reverend Roger DiBuo, whose talk will focus on God’s message of inclusion and non-violence.
All are welcomed. Masks requested.
10/12/2022 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm ![]() Register Here |
Make A Needle Felted Peace Dove
Needle felting is the process of transforming wool into 3D objects using a barbed needle. Instructor Sarah Dressler teaches participants to create a needle felted dove to celebrate Peace Week Delaware. Doves will be on display at the library through Peace Week. Projects will be available for pickup at the library after October 16th. This program is open to adults. Registration is required. Please register at this link: https://delawarelibraries.libcal.com/event/9738568. Questions? Call the library at 302-834-4148. |
10/12/2022 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm ![]() Register Here |
Awakened Heart Drum Circle & Singing Bowl Meditation
Celebrate unity and help create a more peaceful, compassionate, and inclusive world at our drum circle and Tibetan Singing Bowl event. As we drum, from 6:00pm to 7:00pm we will set our intention to manifest both inner and outer peace and unity. Bring your own drum or musical instrument. Chairs will be provided. In case of rain the drum circle will be held indoors at the Buzz. After our engaging peace drum circle, you are invited to move indoors with us for a centering and healing Tibetan singing bowl sound meditation, from 7:00pm to 7:30pm. Tibetan Singing bowls provide a quieting and soothing sonic ambience that facilitates the inward journey, as the mind relaxes and lets go. Deep peace is often experienced after a singing bowl meditation. We hope you can join us! No registration required, all are welcome! Refreshments provided after the events. |
10/12/2022 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm ![]() Register Here |
Becoming Visible – Through Teaching AANHPI History
“Education is the tool for creating a more humane and compassionate society.” Abby Weiss, Facing History Over the past two years, increased incidents of violence against Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific islanders (AANHPI) are reminders of the group’s vulnerability in our country. These events have impacted many in the AANHPI community, and each of us has the responsibility to be part of the solution. One solution is to teach Asian American history in schools to increase awareness and appreciation of the contributions and the struggles of Asian Americans in building our country. As of July 2022, nine states have statutes requiring AANHPI history curriculum in K-12 schools. Currently, Delaware has statutes requiring ethnic studies in the curriculum. In 2021, the state legislature passed a stand-alone bill requiring the teaching of Black History in schools. We need similar requirements for the inclusion of AANHPI history in the curriculum. For this Peace Week Delaware event, we bring together a panel consisting of community leaders, parents, students and educators. They will share their experience and perspectives of AANHPI history education in Delaware. We hope you will join us for an informative talk and discussion. For more information: https://uufn.org/event/peace-week-delaware-aanhpi-history-education/ |
10/12/2022 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ![]() Register Here |
Stop The Bleed Training
Stop the Bleed is a grassroots national awareness campaign and call-to-action. Stop the Bleed encourages bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives. |
10/12/2022 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ![]() Register Here |
Hour of Power
10/12/2022 10:00 am - 11:15 am ![]() Register Here |
Exercise for Peace
Peace . . . Love . . . Exercise No matter your age, fitness level, or ability/mobility everyone is welcome to participate in this event to celebrate Peace Week Delaware. Join us at the Kingswood Community Center and learn while you sweat away your worries. |
10/12/2022 6:00 am - 8:00 am ![]() Register Here |
JavaTime Peace Jam
Get ready to get your peace jam on! Join Shelley Kelley on the WVUD 91.3FM radio airwaves from 600AM-8O0AM. This year, songs help us reflect on the static state our country and world seem to be in and taking seriously our part to bring change and move the world forward so peace triumphs. |
October 11, 2022
10/11/2022 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Register Here |
Learn to Lobby Congress for Peace: Advocacy Training with the Friends Committee on National Legislation
In this interactive workshop (in-person and virtual options to attend) participants will learn how to advocate more effectively for federal legislation related to peace and diplomacy in U.S. foreign policy. Led by staff from the Friends Committee on National Legislation, the Quaker peace lobby on Capitol Hill, this session will equip advocates with the basic skills to drive change in Congress, the knowledge to influence Delaware’s federal legislators, and the support to take this work forward as part of a national network of grassroots advocates. FCNL advocates on a range of issues related to peacebuilding in both foreign and domestic policy, from ending U.S. support for the war in Yemen and a return to the Iran nuclear deal, to funding violence interrupter programs and reducing gun violence in the United States. Join us (in-person in Wilmington or virtually from anywhere in the State) to meet our staff, learn new skills, and take action for lasting policy change with other members of your community. |
10/11/2022 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm ![]() Register Here |
Community Drumming Circle
Come join the Drumming Circle at The Rock Lot in Wilmington during Peace Week Delaware. Drummers of all ages, all levels of experience, or no experience, and from across the city will come together to drum in peace. All are welcome. Bring your own drum or use one of ours. |
October 10, 2022
10/10/2022 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm ![]() Register Here |
Ranked Choice Voting for More Inclusive, More Peaceful Politics
Ranked Choice Voting is a small change with immense power, capable of reversing trends toward a politics of division and exclusion. This event will be an introduction to ranked-choice voting, a chance to learn about the non-partisan effort to bring it to Delaware, and an opportunity to get involved. Speakers will include topic experts from Rank The Vote Delaware. |
10/10/2022 11:00 am - 12:00 pm ![]() Register Here |
Yoga Shalom for Peace
Join Reb Lisa for Yoga Shalom. Appropriate for all levels. |
October 9, 2022
10/09/2022 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm ![]() Register Here |
Peace Dance Workshop with Arden in Motion
In-person Event-Arden Guild Hall Unleash your creative power and express your inner vision of peace through this movement and meditation live workshop held at the Arden Gild Hall featuring live music and instruction by Certified Group Motion facilitators to create your own peace dance. This is a creative practice for all ages, no prior experience needed. Both dancers and nondancers alike are welcomed. This unique Group Motion Workshop celebrates the universal language of movement and creates a ritual space for building and celebrating community based on peace and understanding. |
10/09/2022 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm ![]() Register Here |
Healing Hands for Peace Arts & Crafts Project
“Art can help to bring us together for peace . . . It is my sincere belief that when you find something that helps you to change the world, like art, it helps you think Are you looking for a fun and creative activity for your kids? Look no further. Come to the Academy for Peace on October 9 from 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM where your child can make a collage and a take home art project. All art materials are provided for this event which is sponsored by Moms Demand Action. There will also be a surprise visitor – a PAWS dog for People therapy.
10/09/2022 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm ![]() Register Here |
The Academy for Peace and People to People Delaware Together : Promoting Peace from the Inside Out
Dr. Jay Macklin and Dr. Erin Zoranski are leading this event. |
10/09/2022 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm ![]() Register Here |
Interfaith Panel Discussion
10/09/2022 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm ![]() Register Here |
Islamic Perspective On Social Justice
Join us for a presentation on Islamic perspective on social justice. Speakers include notable leaders of the Muslim community and scholars. The session will be followed by breakout sessions enabling participants to have an open discussion. All are welcome.` |
10/09/2022 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm ![]() Register Here |
Open Heart to the World/Metta Meditation
“When we live with an open heart we offer the world the possibility of peace.” Pema Chodron Metta is a word that roughly translates to ‘benevolence’ , ‘unconditional loving-kindness’ and good will. The focus in a metta meditation is to cultivate and send feelings of goodwill and kindness to ourselves and others- people we love, people we know, strangers, and even our “enemies”. Join Reverend Sue Greer, a practicing Tibetan Buddhist who has taught meditation and guided healing practices for over 30 years, and learn the power of this practice to create a more peaceful you and a more peaceful world. Greer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Peace Week metta practice Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 521 588 1696 |
10/09/2022 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm ![]() Register Here |
Get Out the Vote Coffeehouse
Justice in the United States involves giving each person a voice… AND A VOTE. “If we want to reap the harvest of peace and justice in the future, we will have to sow seeds of nonviolence here and now, in the present” |
10/09/2022 11:00 am - 12:00 pm ![]() Register Here |
Peace Wellness Gathering
Join us for prayer, reading from sacred scriptures, reflections, guided breathwork, and thoughts of peace. “I charge you all that each one of you concentrate all the thoughts of your heart on love and unity. When a thought of war comes, oppose it by a stronger thought of peace. A thought of hatred must be destroyed by a more powerful thought of love.” Abdu’l-Baha |
10/09/2022 10:30 am - 11:30 am ![]() Register Here |
The Kinship Worldview and the Practice of Peacemaking
What might we learn from contemporary Indigenous leaders and the Indigenous worldviews about human survival and the well-being of future generations? What wisdom and precepts from this “kinship worldview” can nourish us and help guide us toward being peacemakers and being at peace. Children are invited to join their families for the first part of the service. Rev. Dr. Larry Peers began as the minister of First Unitarian Church of Wilmington in August 2021. In addition to ministry, he has worked with organizations and their leaders across many faith traditions in the areas of change and conflict transformation as a former senior consultant with the Alban Institute and a director of the Pastoral Excellence Network. Rev. Peers has taught courses in adaptive leadership and conflict transformation at seminaries and was a guest lecturer last spring in an Inter-religious Program in International Peace-building at Hartford Seminary. For this event we are pleased to share that you can join us either at the church or virtually. |
10/09/2022 10:30 am - 11:45 am ![]() Register Here |
Awakened Heart Peace Education Program
In person and via Zoom Awakened Heart is offering a session of the Peace Education Program developed by the Prem Rawat Foundation. The program gives participants the opportunity to focus and reflect on their own humanity and their inner resources such as choice, hope, and dignity. Rather than describing or defining personal peace, the program empowers individuals to reach their own understanding. Everyone can benefit. For additional information and the zoom link, see our website Sunday Services page: https://awakenedheart.net/sunday-services No registration required, all are welcome! |
October 8, 2022
10/08/2022 10:00 am - 11:30 am ![]() Register Here |
Positive Psychology Virtual Workshop - Roadmap to a Peaceful Life
Positive psychology is a new field of study based on decades of research into the components necessary to live a flourishing and peaceful life. Through positive psychology you can find answers to the questions: ‘What’s right with you? How can we build more of that? And, how do you stay aligned with peace while amidst ‘chaos’. This free virtual workshop will offer you tools to take back the reins of your life, manage your thoughts, shift your emotions, and inspire your actions. We will identify simple tweaks to your schedule, outlook and habits that can lead to dramatic and measurable increases to your inner peace and well-being. For more info: https://www.resilience-mastery.com |
10/08/2022 10:00 am - 12:00 pm ![]() Register Here |
Peace Song Sing Along
Featuring live music, this participatory event will prepare our spirits for the work of peacemaking. It coincides with Hockessin Friends’ annual fall festival, which includes activities for all ages. Besides the sing along, there will be musicians performing throughout the day and an art project for children. There will also be a bazaar featuring donated gently-used items, crafts, and foods, with the funds raised being given to local charities. Other than the items for sale, everything else is free. This event will happen rain or shine. |
10/08/2022 - 10/16/2022 10:00 am - 9:00 pm ![]() Register Here |
City Of Hope: Resurrection City and the 1968 Poor People's Campaign Poster Exhibition
City of Hope: Resurrection City and the 1968 Poor People’s Campaign poster exhibition explores the history and legacy of this important moment in U.S. history. Explore the posters, find book suggestions, and complete various activities. Register at:https://delawarelibraries.libcal.com/event/9777231 |
10/08/2022 9:00 am - 11:00 am ![]() Register Here |
Forest Therapy for Peace and Justice
This event is for University of Delaware students. Come and experience the regenerative and creative power of forest therapy for peace on a walk in White Clay Creek State Park. Jane Baty and Charito Calvachi-Mateyko will be your guides. Dress appropriately for a brisk walk and bring water and snacks (if needed). |
10/08/2022 - 10/16/2022 All Day ![]() Register Here |
Delaware Public Libraries: Creative Activities for Peace Week
It is important not to underestimate the value of these activities; they provide an opportunity for children and adults to talk together and identify where and when they experience peace. The South Coastal Library in Bethany Beach, Sussex County (302-858-5518) and the Delmar Public Library, Sussex County (302-846-9894) will be building Peace
Libraries in New Castle County will observe Peace Week Delaware with displays of books related to pe
To commemorate Peace Week, the Delaware City Public Library (302-834-4148) invites Library visitors to share peaceful messages and picture collages on our Peace Graffiti Wall. |
October 7, 2022
10/07/2022 5:30 pm - 6:00 pm ![]() Register Here |
Friday, October 7, 5:30-6:00 pm – Rain or shine (exceptions will be made for thunderstorms!) On the eve of Peace Week Delaware (October 8-16), join us for this peaceful, prayerful walk through the center of Wilmington to promote an end to racial and social injustice. We gather in the SsAM parking lot with people from various faith communities to share in this active, visible commitment to justice and peace in our community. We walk in silence, carrying battery-powered candles, ending at Rodney Square. It is a very moving experience. Please join us – and share this invitation with people you know who are dedicated to this purpose. And stay downtown for dinner at one of the wonderful nearby restaurants! |
October 6, 2022
10/06/2022 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ![]() Register Here |
QPR Gatekeeper Suicide Prevention
This is a Pre-PWD event. Content Warning: Discussion of suicide, suicidal ideation & potential means. Also includes interactive discussion portion regarding a fictional scenario describing an individual exhibiting warning signs of suicidality. Now more than ever, suicide prevention awareness and training is needed in our communities. QPR Gatekeeper Training is a virtual, 1 hour training meant to guide participants on how to recognize an individual who may be in a suicide crisis and how to guide them to proper treatment/services. QPR is a mnemonic that stands for Question, Persuade and Refer to help you remember the 3 easy steps to helping a person who may be suicidal. Thanks to a state funded grant, NAMI Delaware is able to offer this training at no cost to participants. For more information on QPR, please visit: https://qprinstitute.com Register now as there are limited seats for this course: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/qpr-gatekeeper-training-registration-371287299307
September 21, 2022
09/21/2022 - 01/23/2023 All Day ![]() Register Here |
Registration Opens for MLK VOICE 4 YOUTH on September 21
MLK VOICE 4 YOUTH 2022; Celebrating 8 years amplifying youth voices & encouraging youth to SPEAK UP. First Prize: $2,000 MLK VOICE 4 YOUTH is a platform to amplify youth voices through respect, understanding, and compassion. Its mission is to empower, inform, and engage youth to promote a just, inclusive, and equitable society. MLK VOICE 4 YOUTH is a statewide, spoken word contest for Delaware students, grades 7 – 12. Contestants have creative freedom to express their views on issues important to them and share how Dr. King’s legacy speaks to their dreams today. On Thursday, October 13 at 6 PM, Dr. Donna Blakey from Delaware State University will offer an online writing workshop, at no charge to students registered to compete in MLK VOICE 4 YOUTH 2023 for cash prizes: $2,000 first prize; $1,000, second prize; and $500 third prize. New in 2023, the middle school contestant with the top score will receive $250. In 2023, MLK VOICE 4 YOUTH will celebrate its 8th year encouraging youth to SPEAK UP for social change through respect, understanding, and compassion. To register for MLK VOICE 4 YOUTH visit: www.mlkvoice4youth.org. |