The following 101 organizations were event organizers and/or served as a venue for an event in 2019.
We are grateful for their community spirit and generosity.
Academy for Peace |
AIDS Delaware |
Alternative to Violence Project |
Appoquinimink Community Library |
Art Studio of New Castle County |
Awakened Heart Spiritual Center |
Bethel AME Church |
Big Beautiful Woman of Delaware |
Brandywine Hundred Library |
Brandywine Hundred Library |
Brandywine Zoo |
Camden Friends Meeting |
Cape Henlopen Senior Center |
Center for Spiritual Living Delaware |
Change the Cycle |
Christ Church Christiana Hundred |
Christ Lutheran Church |
Christiana Care Health System Trauma Program |
Claymont Library |
Coastal T’ai Chi Chuan |
Congregation Beth Emeth |
Connecting Generations |
Delaware Churches for Middle East Peace |
Delaware City Library |
Delaware HIV Consortium |
Delaware Humanities Forum |
Delawareans for Palestinian Human Rights |
Elsmere Library |
Episcopal Church of Saint Andrew and Matthew |
Faithful Friends Animal Society |
First Unitarian Church of Wilmington |
Hanover Dance Collective |
Hanover Presbyterian Church |
HerStory Ensemble |
Hockessin Friends Meeting |
Hockessin Public Library |
Islamic Society of Delaware |
Jewish Family Services of Delaware |
Kirkwood Library |
Knights of St. Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary |
Krishna Village |
Life is Delicious |
Main Street Vegan |
Metropolitan Community Church |
Middle East Collaborative of Phila Yearly Meeting |
Middletown Police |
Movement for a Culture of Peace |
Muslim Center of Wilmington |
Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children |
New Ark United Church of Christ |
New Castle County Bear Library |
Newark Free Library |
Newark NAACP |
Newark Police |
Newark United Methodist Church |
Nonviolent Wilmington |
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) |
Pacem in Terris |
Peace Week DE — Sussex |
Peace Week Delaware Pleasantville Elementary School |
Quakertown Wellness Center |
Restoring Central Dover |
Resurrection Catholic Church |
Route 9 Library & Innovation Center |
Safe United Neighborhoods |
Salem United Methodist Church |
Seaside Jewish Community |
Sharon Katz & The Peace Train |
Siegel Jewish Community Center |
Southern DE Alliance for Racial Justice |
St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church |
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church |
St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church |
The City of Wilmington |
The Delaware Contemporary |
The Department of Parks and Recreations |
The Interdenominational Ministers Action Council of Delaware (IMAC) |
The Interfaith Circle Spiritual Community |
The Village Tree Farm Trauma Matters Delaware Take Care Apothecary |
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Newark |
Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware |
University of Delaware Partnership for Healthy Communities |
University of Delaware: Sexual Offense Support |
Victory Christian Fellowship Church |
Wesley College Department of History, Politics & Society |
Westminster Presbyterian Church |
Wilmington Friends Meetinghouse Wilmington University Center for Prevention Science |
Wilmington Police |
Woodlawn Library |
YWCA Delaware |
Zen Meditation Group of UUFN |
Zoe Ministries |