September 18–25, 2016
From September 18–25, peace-loving folks across our state will celebrate Peace Week Delaware—a statewide series of events raising awareness and hope for peace in our communities, nation, and world. We encourage you and your organization to join in by helping to create the inaugural Peace Week Delaware.
What is Peace Week Delaware? Peace Week Delaware is an expanded vision of peace led by the Movement for a Culture of Peace, which organized peace marches in Wilmington in 2014 and 2015 and has held monthly public forums on how to achieve peace and address the impact of violence. Last September’s march drew 400 participants from dozens of organizations across Delaware, demonstrating that our state wants to create a new paradigm of peace—and a new level of peace activism.
Peace Week Delaware will provide a coordinated outlet for that energy, widening the circle of nonviolent action across the state. The week of September 18–25 brings Campaign Nonviolence Action Week to life in Delaware.
Who is involved? The Movement for a Culture of Peace and its community partners are behind Peace Week Delaware. An independent committee—the Peace Week Collective—began meeting in February to mobilize community participation and organize events for this week. A number of non-profit organizations, neighborhood groups, churches and individuals have committed to creating Peace Week Delaware together.
Why participate? We challenge you to consider how you can bring the spirit of Peace Week into your life or organization. Our goal is to have at least 20 events statewide under the Peace Week Delaware banner. Hosting a Peace Week Delaware event has several benefits:
- Connecting with fellow activists working towards peace and nonviolence
- Showcasing your organization’s work to a broader audience
- Leveraging the power of Peace Week’s website and social media
- Uniting with like-minded folks to celebrate your group’s mission
- Helping to define the future of Peace Week Delaware in this inaugural year
How can we get involved? There are two ways. One, organize a Peace Week Delaware event. You can do this through your organization or as an individual or neighborhood. Visit to find Peace Week ideas and an FAQ about how to create your own Peace Week event. Leverage our website and social media program to get the word out about your event.
Two, work with the Peace Week Collective on one of several events already in the works—an art exhibit, an interfaith peace vigil, a concert, and the third annual March for a Culture of Peace led by the Movement for a Culture of Peace. You’re welcome at any meetings of the Collective to learn more about how to contribute to Peace Week Delaware. Meetings are listed on the website. And, of course, we hope you and members of your organization will attend these events.
What if I have more questions? Visit or email
We hope you will be part of creating peace this September
and beyond. We have an opportunity to declare our desire
for peace and our ideas for achieving it – and we can make
a greater difference if we act together as one Delaware.