Neighbors Joining Together to Build
a Culture of Peace in the First State
From September 17–24, peace-loving folks across our state will celebrate Peace Week Delaware—a series of events raising awareness, hope, and action for peace in our communities, nation, and world. Peace Week Delaware 2016 was an unqualified success, with more than 40 events statewide (read our report). We encourage you and your organization to join us by helping to create another successful Peace Week Delaware.
What is Peace Week Delaware?
Peace Week Delaware is an expanded vision of peace led by the Movement for a Culture of Peace, which organized three peace marches in Wilmington and has held monthly public forums on how to achieve peace and address the impact of violence. Peace Week Delaware provides a coordinated outlet for that energy, widening the circle of nonviolent action across the state. The week of September 17–24, which includes International Peace Day (Sept. 21) brings Campaign Nonviolence Action Week to life in Delaware.
Who is involved?
The Movement for a Culture of Peace and its community partners are behind Peace Week Delaware. An independent steering committee will mobilize community participation and promote events for this week.
Why participate?
We challenge you to consider how you can bring the spirit of Peace Week into your life or organization. Our 2017 goal is to have 25% more events statewide under the Peace Week Delaware banner—including a doubling of events in Kent and Sussex counties. Serving on the steering committee or hosting a Peace Week Delaware event has several benefits:
- Connecting with fellow activists working towards peace and nonviolence
- Showcasing your organization’s work to a broader audience
- Leveraging the power of Peace Week’s website and social media
- Uniting with like-minded folks to celebrate your group’s mission
- Building the Peace Week infrastructure for future years
How can I get involved?
- Organize a Peace Week Delaware event. You can do this through your organization or as an individual or neighborhood. On our website are Peace Week ideas and an FAQ about how to create your own Peace Week event. Leverage our website and social media program to get the word out about your event.
- Join the Peace Week Steering Committee. We’re looking for committed, organized people who like to collaborate with other activists. Your skills aren’t as important as your desire for change. We meet bi-weekly and stay connected online, if you can’t attend every meeting (meeting schedule), you can still be part of it