A sincere “Thank you” to all event organizers and thank you also to the organizations that you represent for the support that they give to your efforts. Your selfless passion for helping our community advance peace is truly remarkable.
Akoben | Israel United Methodist Church |
Alternatives to Violence Project | Kingswood Community Center |
Awakened Heart Spiritual Center | Ministry for Black Catholics: Catholic Diocese of Wilmington |
Bethel United Methodist Church | MLK Voice 4 Youth |
Center for Spiritual Living | Moms Demand Action |
Central Delaware Interfaith Alliance | NAMI |
City of Wilmington Park & Recreation | New Ark United Church of Christ |
Congregation Beth Emeth | Ninth Ward Interfaith Coalition of Wilmington |
Delaware Art Museum | Peace Week DE – Sussex County |
Delaware City Library | People to People Delaware |
Delaware Interfaith Power | Rank the Vote Delaware |
Delaware Pacem in Terris | Resilience Mastery, LLC |
Epworth United Methodist Church | Rising Phoenix Healing Center |
Faith United Methodist Church | Seaside Jewish Community |
First & Central Presbyterian Church | St. Peter’s Episcopal Church |
First Unitarian Church of Wilmington | St. Stephen Lutheran Church |
Friends Committee on National Legislation | The Academy for Peace |
Hockessin Friends Meeting | The Baha’I Community |
Islamic Society of Delaware | The Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew |
Islamic Society of Central Delaware | The Wilmington Children’s Chorus |
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Newark |