Events - 9 Oct 23

09/29/2023 - 10/30/2023

All Day

Visionary Peace Youth Art Exhibition: Call for Artwork
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Visionary Peace Youth Art Exhibition: Call for Artwork

Create your vision of peace for the 8th Annual Visionary Peace Youth Art Exhibition! We invite young artists to create their vision of a peaceful world. The artwork is intended to foster dialogue and encourage an intergenerational response to create a more peaceful world.


10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Food Bank of Delaware Tour and Presentation
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Food Bank of Delaware Tour and Presentation

  • Location: Food Bank of Delaware
    222 Lake Drive, Newark, DE, 19702
  • Organization(s): Food Bank of Delaware
  • Discussion, Service

According to the American Health Rankings (AHR),  11.2 percent of Delaware households cannot provide adequate food for one or more household members due to lack of resources.  Join the Food Bank of Delaware for a tour and a presentation on how the organization works to create a more just community by reducing food insecurity.


5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Speak Out Against Hate
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Speak Out Against Hate

We have formed a new initiative called SOAH – Speak Out Against Hate.  For the past several months the working group has gotten up and running and we are holding our first meeting in person and via zoom for all interested parties during PEACE WEEK on Mon. Oct. 9 from 5-6:30 pm at the Lewes Library, Lewes DE.  To find out more about SOAH go to or  The link below is to register via Eventbrite.  Only those registered will be admitted.


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

An Act of Peace:  Supporting Asylum-Seekers I
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An Act of Peace: Supporting Asylum-Seekers I

Come watch and discuss an important documentary called Seeking Asylum: A Mother’s Journey. This award-winning feature documentary shows the problems migrants face when petitioning for asylum in the United States. In a dismantled system designed for failure, we follow one woman’s journey as she searches for protection for herself and her kids. Most people seeking asylum are running from extreme violence in their home countries.

Unfortunately, many migrants view getting to the U.S. as the final hurdle in their journey, but the film shows that once in the U.S., the fight has just begun. During one of the most uncertain times in our country’s history, Seeking Asylum documents the challenges asylum seekers face and shows why asylum is an integral part of the American Dream that we cannot afford to lose. It is a courageous act of peace to support those who seek asylum in the U.S.

On-site registration will be available for those who chose not to book/register online. Refreshments will be provided.
We will discuss the film’s themes and ways to support our neighbors who are seeking asylum.