We will write postcards to “GET OUT THE VOTE”. YOU can DO SOMETHING, as Michelle Obama urged. A healthy democracy requires citizen involvement. We supply pens, snacks, cards, scripts, live music, stamps. We are given addresses in communities that have experienced attempts to marginalize, confuse, delist, disenfranchise voters. We cannot let that happen! The power is in YOUR hands so see this does not happen. The electoral college votes from some districts/states may come down to a handful of votes. Lots of research have gone into selecting districts that have the potential to swing the election. DO NOT be the one to say “I COULD HAVE made a difference.” The work starts NOW.
Effort is sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), Unitarian Universalist Delaware Advocacy Network (UUDAN), and UUFN Endowment Committee which provided funds for stamps.
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