Walking the labyrinth reminds us that we are all becoming, as individuals and as a community. The path awakens us to the work we still need to do, encourages us to tend to our journey with compassion and courage, and calls us to live with greater awareness and purpose. We will start our journey in a circle with Charito Calvachi-Mateyko, Co-Chair of the Delaware Hispanic Commission, http://charitocalvachi.com/node/1, guiding us into a walking meditation, to acknowledge the countless lives lost to racism, to rest and reenter our courage and hope, and to renew our commitment to doing the work of racial justice. We will each privately set an intention for our walk. This can be a change we desire in ourselves or in our world, or we may want to dedicate our walk to a person or purpose. As we exit the labyrinth, we will rejoin in the circle with Charito guiding us in sharing hopes for what we will carry into the world.
This is an in-person program and will follow COVID spacing and other guidelines. Following registration additional information will be sent via email. Please note in the email you receive directions for parking as parking on the Arden Green is prohibited.
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