Practicing Peace Through Deep Listening

Practicing Peace Through Deep Listening

Could what Mark Nepo says about deep listening also be what we might say about practicing peace? Nepo writes: “I learned that listening this deeply is an act of creation that shapes us beyond our will…But I’m also discovering after all these years that listening deeply over time is one of uninterrupted growing — one continuous act.” Can we allow peace to be cultivated in us—as “one continuous act.”

This service will take place in the sanctuary and live-streamed at It is one of First Unitarian’s offerings during Delaware Peace Week.

Rev. Dr. Larry Peers began as the minister of First Unitarian Church of Wilmington in August 2021. In addition to ministry, he has worked with organizations and their leaders across many faith traditions in the areas of change and conflict transformation. Rev. Peers has taught courses in adaptive leadership and conflict transformation and “Peacemaking and Religious Leadership” at seminaries.

Event Details

  • Date: 10/20/2024
  • Time: 10:30 am - 11:30 am
  • Location: First Unitarian Church of Wilmington
  • Address/URL: 730 Halstead Rd., Wilmington, DE, 19803

Organizer Information



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