Welcome to this year’s
program of events
Before providing you with a listing of this year’s events, we would like to call to your attention two collections, A Tampon Drive and A Collection for Syrian Refugees, that need our support. Please be as generous as you can. Promoting peace requires action and these are two small ways we can act.
Tampon Drive
A single box of tampons or pads costs nearly $6. If you’re living below the poverty line, these necessities cannot be purchased with food stamps or WIC. Please help Grace Cafe combat this often neglected problem! Your contribution of tampons, pads, pantyliners and cups will help women in our community to maintain their personal hygiene, health and dignity.
Date/Time: 09/15/2018 – 09/23/2018 All Week
Collection sites:
- St. Stephen’s Lutheran, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
- Unity Church, 9:30 am – 11:00 am, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
- Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Newark,
Monday-Friday, 7 am – 6 pm and Sunday, 9:30 – noon; self-serve drop-off in room off the lobby, place items in marked boxes
Sponsored by: Grace Cafe Wilmington, https://www.facebook.com/GraceCafeWilmington
Questions: Clara, ClaraMattucci@gmail.com, 302-300-2218
Syrian Refugee Collection
Due to eight years of war, millions of Syrians have been forced to abandon their homes and communities, creating the largest refugee and displacement crisis of our time. More than 5.6 million have fled their country to become refugees and 6.1 million are displaced within Syria. Half of the people affected by the terrible results are children.
We will collect items for Syrian Refugees at the three collection sites given below. Items being collected are bedding, school supplies, hygiene items, educational toys and easy books, new socks and underwear, heavy-duty shoes, first aid supplies, sewing machines and sewing supplies. Small donations made by many people can make a big difference. Donations need not be boxed; trash bags are recommended.
Collection sites:
- Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware,
September 1 – 22, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm - Silverside Church
Monday-Friday, September 17-23, 8:30 am – 2:30 pm; Sunday, September 16 & 23, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm; leave donations inside front door
website: https://www.silverside.today/ - Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Newark,
Monday-Friday, 7 am – 6 pm and Sunday, 9:30 – noon; self-serve drop-off in room off the lobby, place items in marked boxes
Sponsored by: UUS of Southern Delaware, http://www.uusd.org
Questions: Mac, macgoekler@gmail.com
2018 Event Listings
The Race Card Project
Based on the award-winning project by Michele Norris, we are encouraging people to condense their observations and experiences about race into one sentence with just SIX words. This will serve as a conversation starter now and for later programs. Come by during library hours; use this tool to learn about yourself.
Date/Time: 09/15/2018 – 09/23/2018 / library hours
Location: Woodlawn Library
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Woodlawn Library, http://nccde.org/woodlawn
Questions: Kim, krtull@nccde.org, 302-571-7425
Coloring for Peace
Come to the Children’s Room and draw, write, or express your idea of what peace means to you. All ages.
Date/Time: 09/15/2018 – 09/23/2018 / library hours
Location: Claymont Library
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Claymont Library, http://nccde.org/298/Claymont-Library
Questions: Peggy, pmtew@nccde.org, 302-798-4164
Drawing on Peace
Show us your ideas and express yourself in this drawing activity.
Date/Time: 09/15/2018 – 09/22/2018, library hours
Location: Elsmere Library
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Elsmere Library, http://nccde.org/327/Elsmere-Library
Questions: Shannon, sconcannon@nccde.org, 302-892-2210
Peace It Together
Celebrate peace with a variety of peaceful community-building exercises, including puzzles, games, and artistic activities.
Date/Time: 09/15/2018 – 09/22/2018 / library hours
Location: Elsmere Library
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Elsmere Library, http://nccde.org/327/Elsmere-Library
Questions: Sharon, sconcannon@nccde.org, 302-892-2210
Pacem in Terris
Youth Peace Art Exhibit
Visual and written answers to the questions, “What does peace look like?” “What does the world look like that you want to live in?” are made by youth from all over our area and then exhibited at The Delaware Contemporary during Peace Week. Over 500 entries will be on display. Opening is Sunday, September 16 at noon and is open through September 23.
Date/Time: 09/16/2018 – 09/23/2018 / 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Location:The Delaware Contemporary
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by:Pacem in Terris, http://www.depaceminterris.org
Questions: Medard, mg@paceminterris.org, 302-656-2721
Saturday, September 15
Peace Chant
In this age of quarrel and hypocrisy, everyone is experiencing anxiety. However everyone can be free from anxiety and can experience peace and happiness. The best method is congregational chanting of Holi names of God. We will be singing the mantra “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare” with musical accompaniment. Everyone will participate by simply repeating and dancing joyfully.
Date/Time: 09/15/2018 / 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Location: Krishna Village
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Krishna Village, http://krishnavillage.us
Questions: Krishna, delawareyogasociety@gmail.com, 302-367-5915
Folk Art and Culture
Folk art is the art produced by self-taught people. Every culture has its share of folk artists, yet art historians often deny folk art its rightful place alongside fine art. Ms. Eunice LaFate, a Jamaican born, prize-winning folk artist, addresses this issue and explores the concepts of folk art and culture. Audience members will have the opportunity to create their own folk art!
Date/Time : 09/15/2018 / 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Location: Claymont Library
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Claymont Public Library, Delaware Humanities Forum and Temple Beth Emeth
Questions and registration(required):
Belinda, bmccrea@nccde.org, 302-798-4164 ext. 209
Wilmington Wellness Day: Healthy People – Healthy Communities
“Living Well in the City” — Join us for a healthy peaceful community event! The purpose of this event will be to provide residents living in this community with the opportunity to learn about resources that can be used to assess health and change lifestyles, thus the title “Living Well in the City.” Donations for the Tampon Drive will be accepted.
Date/Time: 09/15/2018 /12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Location: Herman M. Holloway Sr. Park
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: The City of Wilmington, The Department of Parks and Recreations, and The Wilmington Health Planning Council (WHPC), http://www.wilmington.de.gov/department-of-parks-and-recreation
Questions: Shawn, sbaker@wilmingtonde.gov, 302-576-3828
Nora, NKaturakes@Christianacare.org, 302-623-4628
Panel: The Alternatives to Violence Project – Incarceration and Re-entry
The Camden Friends Meeting has been supporting the Alternatives to Violence Project(AVP) at James T Vaughn Correctional Center for over 25 years. AVP is an evidence-based, volunteer-led intensive training in non-violent conflict resolution. The panel discussion will address incarceration, the positive effect AVP has on participants, re-entry concerns for returning citizens. We will also run some AVP exercises. This is a participatory event. Comfortable clothing is recommended.
Date/Time: 09/15/2018 / 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Location: The Gathering Place, Camden Friends Meeting
Categories: Kent County
Sponsored by: Camden Friends Meeting, http://camdenquakers.org
Questions and Registration (suggested): Giani, siriuse57@hotmail.com, 302 399-4252
Rise and Fall of Jim Crow by
Syl Woolford
Date/Time: 09/15/2018 / 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Location: Bear Library
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: New Castle County Bear Library, http://nccde.org/bear
Questions and registration (suggested): Bear Library INFO Desk, 302-838-3300
End of Life Conversations and Support
What do I say to someone who is facing end of life? How can I help my friend whose husband just died? Grief Counselor Midge DiNatale from Delaware Hospice will lead this discussion on how to be supportive when someone you know is losing a loved one or has lost a loved one, all while maintaining your own self care.
Date/Time: 09/15/2018 / 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Location: Christ Lutheran Church
Categories: Sussex County
Sponsored by: Christ Lutheran Church and Delaware Hospice, https://www.delawarehospice.org/
Questions: Leona, donandleona3536@aol.com
Fiesta De Amor! (Festival of Love)
You are invited to join us in the heart of the city for arts, spoken word, world music, cultural cuisine and family fun! We are celebrating our diverse city with a focus on Hispanic and immigrant families. All are welcome for an afternoon of unity, peace and love for our fellow human beings. We welcome you to share the interactive stage for open mic, storytelling and a drum circle. Or sit back and enjoy the powerful voices of: El Rod; Jea Street; and more! (Free and easy parking on site!) This will be an indoor/outdoor, rain or shine event. Artists & Exhibitors Welcome! Call 855-YOUTH-ED.
Date/Time: 09/15/2018 / 4:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Location: Grace United Methodist Church
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Grace United Methodist Church
Questions: Chandra, chandra@iamthevillage.org
Sunday, September 16
Elementary Peace Curriculum
Join us as we begin a 6-week peace curriculum beginning on September 16th for K-6 students. These one-hour Sunday classes will have a three-fold focus: exploring peace within yourself, with family and friends, and in the community. Handling difficult emotions, problem solving, and community service will be discussed. Children will participate in a variety of peace-building activities such as making a personal peace pole, contributing to a paper peace quilt, meditation, and walking the labyrinth. Classes wil be held on 9-16, 9-23, 9-30, 10-2, 10-9, 10-16, 10-23, 10-30. Classes are free and open to the public.
Date/Time: 09/16/2018 / 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Location: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Newark
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Newark, http://uufn.org
Questions and registration(required):
Andrea, dre@uufn.org, 302-368-2984
Marcy Francis and Friends:
A Musical Blast of Peace and Joy
Award-winning musician Marcy Francis brings her percussion and singing skills alive in concerts, workshops and healing circles. Her focus and reason for living is to bring children and adults closer to a culture of love, peace, harmony and healing whether playing her bass guitar or singing rock or African music. Marcy is a member of Women’s Drumming group, Music Over Matter (M.O.M.) under the direction of Jan Jeffries. A community potluck luncheon will follow.
Date/Time: 09/16/2018 / 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Location: Buzz Ware Village Center
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Awakened Heart Spiritual Center, http://www.AwakenedHeart.net
Questions: Dave, awakenedheartde@gmail.com, 302-525-0021
Alternatives to Violence Booth
Date/Time: 09/16/2018 / 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Location: University of Delaware Green
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: The Alternatives to Violence Project, www.avpde.org
Questions:Teri, tf.gray@hotmail.com, 443-553-0224
Knights of St. Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary Prayer Service for Peace
The Knights and Ladies of St. Peter Claver will host a prayer service putting faith and service into action. To effect change in our communities, we must have the courage to demand the impossible and challenge ourselves. We must promote who we are as an organization and play a role in shaping our future. We join with the community in our quest for peace in our neighborhoods, our state and our world through friendship, unity and Christian charity.
Date/Time: 09/16/2018 / 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Location: St. Joseph’s RC Church
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Knights of St. Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary, http://stjosephfrenchst.org
Questions: Loretta, secretary@stjosephfrenchst.org, 302-658-4535
LaVaida, cokparish@aol.com, 302-547-3227
Pacem in Terris
Youth Peace Art Exhibit
Date/Time: 09/16/2018 – 09/23/2018 / 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Location:The Delaware Contemporary
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by:Pacem in Terris, http://www.depaceminterris.org
Questions: Medard, mg@paceminterris.org, 302-656-2721
Free Family Sunday: MOVING FORWARD Making Peace
The Delaware Contemporary’s Peace Week programming will begin on Sunday, September 16th with a Free Family Sunday entitled, Moving Forward, Making Peace. Participants are invited to this FREE event to exercise their creative muscles as they make art in response to the 50th anniversary of the 1968 Wilmington riots and subsequent National Guard occupation.
Date/Time: 09/16/2018 / 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Location: The Delaware Contemporary
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: The Delaware Contemporary, http://www.decontemporary.org
Questions: Jennifer, jpolillo@decontemporary.org, 302-656-6466 x7101
Film Screening: “Hacksaw Ridge”
Date/Time: 09/16/2018 / 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Location: Hockessin Public Library
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Hockessin Public Library, http://nccde.org/329/Hockessin-Library
Questions: Jennifer/Terri, jsatwood@nccde.org / tjones@nccde.org, 302-239-5160
Mental Health at the Movies
Date/Time: 09/16/2018 / 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Location: Woodlawn Library
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Woodlawn Library, http://nccde.org/woodlawn
Questions: Kim, krtull@nccde.org, 302 571-7425
Art as Prevention
Enjoy Eunice LaFate’s real-life experience using arts to engage inner city at-risk youth. This DelawareHumanities.org program also features a film and an audience participation segment wherein attendees engage in creating art portraying their view of positive race relations. Ages 16-Adults.
Date/Time: 09/16/2018 / 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Location: Bear Library
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: New Castle Public Library, http://nccde.org/bear, and Delaware Humanities Forum
Questions and registration (suggested): Bear Library INFO Desk, 302-838-3300
Pathways to Peace: Integrating Refugees into our Community
Date/Time: 09/16/2018 / 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Location: Resurrection Parish
Categories:New Castle County
Sponsored by: Resurrection Catholic Church and Jewish Family Services of Delaware, http://www.jfsdelaware.org, http://www.resurrectionde.org ,
Questions and reservations: Debbie, dseymour@resurrectionde.org, 302-368- 0146
Organizing Change
Do you want the skills to unite people around a common goal in your community? Do you want to support those around you in developing their own leadership? Do you want the strategic tools to propel change? Do you want to run a meeting that feels productive, energizing, and action-oriented? If these are questions you want to be able to answer, then this is the right program for you!
Date/Time: 09/16/2018 / 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Location: The Episcopal Church of Saint Andrew and Matthew
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Network Delaware, http://thenetworkde.org/
Questions and registration (suggested): Drew, info@thenetworkde.org, 302-464-0149
Worship and Praise Prayer Service
Join us in carrying the momentum from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) National Youth Gathering, where young people from around the United States assembled in Houston this year to serve, learn and build community. At this service we will sing, pray and share stories of faith, led by the band Souls on Fire — inspiring Delaware youth and all attendees to continue building peaceful, equitable communities in their home state.
Date/Time: 09/16/2018 / 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Location: St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
Categories: New Castle County
Supported by: New Castle County Lutheran Church, http://www.stmarksonline.org
Questions: Pastor Scott,
pastor@stmarksonline.org, 814-440-3048
Breaking Bread Together
The Islamic Society of Delaware, the Sikh community and the Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew(Ssam) invite you to our interfaith potluck . We will invite who who care about peace to come for conversation as we share delicious food from several cultures.
Date/Time: 09/16/2018 / 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm
The Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew
Questions and reservations(suggested):
Diane-Louise, dlcasson@ssam.org, 302-656-6628
Monday, September 17
Origami Peace Cranes
Help us celebrate Peace Week Delaware by creating an origami crane in this fun drop-in class.
Date/Time: 09/17/2018 / 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Location: Hockessin Public Library
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Hockessin Public Library, http://nccde.org/329/Hockessin-Library
Questions: Jennifer/Terri, jsatwood@nccde.org / tjones@nccde.org, 302-239-5160
Poverty, Race and Public Education in Delaware
Dr. Daniel Rich, University Professor of Public Policy at the University of Delaware, Policy Director for the Wilmington Education Improvement Commission and Director of the University’s Community Engagement Initiative will be the guest speaker. Education is often mentioned as a pathway out of poverty. The conditions of poverty can make that pathway inaccessible. The achievement gap is growing and must be narrowed. As the school year begins we’ll focus on needs, resources and solutions to bridge that gap. Dr. Rich challenges us to learn from past failures, respond to present conditions, and plan for the success of Delaware public school students. His illustrated presentation will inform and challenge professional educators and the general public on how the system can serve the students, rather than the other way around.
Date/Time: 09/17/2018 / 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Location: Newark United Methodist Church
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Coalition to Dismantle the New Jim Crow
Questions: Cami, camiseward@gmail.com
Ending the Silence:
A Discussion on Mental Illness
Date/Time: 09/17/2018 / 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Location: University of Delaware STAR Atrium
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by:
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and UD College of Health Sciences
Questions and registration (required):
Rita, landgraf@udel.edu, 301-831-3899
It seems that everyone knows someone with a mental illness. Learn about the available resources for mental health first aid. Build a culture of peace by learning how to mindfully interact with your loved ones and neighbors living with mental illness. Brought to us by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI Delaware).
Date/Time: 09/17/2018 / 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Location: Wilmington Library
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Wilmington Public Library, http://www.wilmington.lib.de.us
Questions and Registration (suggested): Iliana, iliana.burgos@lib.de.us, 302-571-7400 ext. 2404
Pursuing Peace with the Mayor’s Office
Date/Time: 09/17/2018 / 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Location: Wilmington Library
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Wilmington Public Library, http://www.wilmington.lib.de.us
Questions: Iliana, iliana.burgos@lib.de.us, 302-571-7400
Sarah McBride and the Fight for Transgender Equality
Sarah McBride is the National Press Secretary for the Human Rights Campaign and the author of “Tomorrow Will Be Different:Love, Loss, and the Fight for Trans Equality”. In 2012, Sarah made national headlines when she came out as transgender while serving as student body president at American University. A native of Wilmington, Sarah serves on the Board of Directors of Equality Delaware. In that capacity, Sarah helped lead the successful effort to add gender identity and expression to the state’s nondiscrimination and hate-crimes laws. Donations for the Tampon Drive will be accepted.
Date/Time: 09/17/2018 / 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Location: First Unitarian Church of Wilmington
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by:First Unitarian Church, https://firstuuwilm.org
Questions: Lynn, lynningersoll@gmail.com, 302-575-0575
Peace-building Traditions
Charito Calvachi-Mateyko, from the Delaware Humanities Forum, will discuss the history of resistance to injustice from multiple diverse perspectives.
Date/Time: 09/17/2018 /6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Location: Elsmere Library
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Elsmere Library
Questions: Shanon, sconcannon@nccde.org, 302-892-2210
Video Montage: Peace Week
Join us as we learn to use digital images and music to create a video montage. Bring your own images and music on a flash drive. This is a special installment of Video Montage to celebrate Peace Week Delaware 2018 and International Day of Peace 2018.
Date/Time: 09/17/2018 / 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Location: Route 9 Library and Innovation Center
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Route 9 Library and Innovation Center, http://nccde.org/1389/Route-9-Library-Innovation-Center
Questions: Pam, PStevens@nccde.org, (302) 657-8020
Get Up, Stand Up: Being a Courageous Bystander
Date/Time: 09/17/2018 / 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Location: Perkins Student Center, Ewing Room
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Sexual Offense Support, Student Wellness & Health Promotion, University of Delaware, http://www.udel.edu/sos
Questions: Angela, aseguin@udel.edu, 302-831-3457
Tuesday, September 18
Promoting Your Inner
Peace and Well Being
Join us for a 2-hour session full of inspiration around how to find peace in the middle of chaos that typically overwhelms the mind, body and spirit. You will explore tools and experiences to show the ways to achieve inner peace. There will be guided meditation, movement, photography using your smartphone or tablet, creative writing and other tools to tap into your creative self to bring forth peace and contentment.
Date/Time: 09/18/2018 / 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Location: University of Delaware STAR Atrium
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: University of Delaware-College of Health Sciences
Questions: Rita, landgraf@udel.edu, 302-831-3899
Peace Week Story Time at Brandywine
Date/Time: 09/18/2018 / 10:15 am – 12:00 pm
Brandywine Hundred Library
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Brandywine Hundred Library
Questions: Lisa, lgfrank@nccde.org, 302-477-3150
Peace Time Story Time at Woodlawn
Date/Time: 09/18/2018 / 11:00 am – 11:30 am
Location: Woodlawn Library
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Woodlawn Library, www.nccde.org/woodlawn
Questions: Kim, krtull@nccde.org, 302-571-7425
Meet and Greet with
Connecting Generations
Who mentored you? Everyone has someone who has helped them along the way. Please join us for lunch and learn how Connecting Generations is making a difference for students across the State of Delaware. You can be that person for a student by volunteering one hour a week during the school day. Please join us!
Date/Time: 09/18/2018 / 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Location: Community Service Building
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Connecting Generations, www.connecting-generations.org
Questions and registration (suggested)
Jen, jmarek@connecting-generations.org or Bev, bprice@connecting-generations.org, 302-656-2122
Peace Week Green Screen Op
Date/Time: 09/18/2018 / 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Location: Brandywine Hundred Library
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Brandywine Hundred Library
Questions: Lisa, lgfrank@nccde.org, 302-477-3150
A Peaceful Foundation
Help Zion Early Education Center (ZEEC) and Unity Church celebrate the opening of a free tiny library dedicated to children’s books about peace, peacemaking, and nonviolence. Experience storytelling, color and make crafts, and be among the first to borrow and/or donate books to the library. We’ll read and wonder near ZEEC’s playground and huge rock, a reminder that stories are foundational to imagining a peaceful community.
Date/Time: 09/18/2018 / 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Location: Zion Early Education Center
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Unity Church, Zion Early Education Center, http://zionearlyeducationcenter.com/
Questions and registration (suggested): Rev. Melissa or Saralee, melissalemons@gmail.com or Zion_eec@comcast.net, 302-803-8866 or 302-655-7874
Words of Peace:
A Teen Poetry Workshop
Poet and Professor, Lisa Lutwyche, explores poetry of war and poetry of peace. She discusses the importance of poetry in building peace and leads a poetry-writing session for teenaged youth.
Date/Time: 09/18/2018 / 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Location: Appoquinimink Community Library
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Appoquinimink Community Library, http://nccde.org/appoquinimink
Registrations (suggested): https://tinyurl.com/WordsofPeaceAppo
Questions: Rachel, LRWest@nccde.org, 302-378-5588
Film Screening: “Zootopia”
Enjoy a relaxed family movie night at the library. Join us for some popcorn and the movie “Zootopia,” a film that tackles issues of race and class. We encourage participants to then discuss these topics in their families as a way to promote understanding and inclusion.
Date/Time: 09/18/2018 / 5:30 pm – 7:15 pm
Location: Wilmington Library
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Wilmington Public Library
Questions: Leah, leah.howard@lib.de.us, 302-571-7400 ext. 2412
We Stand with Parkland
Date/Time: 09/18/2018 / 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Location: Brandywine Hundred Library
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Brandywine Hundred Library
Questions and reservations(suggested): Lisa, lgfrank@nccde.org, 302-477-3150
SsAM Drum Circle
Come join the SsAM Drum Circle in the Rock Lot located within the Creative District. Feel the rhythm wash over you. Drummers of all ages, all levels of experience, and from across the city lwill come together to drum in peace. Bring your drum or use one of ours! No experience necessary.
Date/Time: 09/18/2018 / 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Location: The Rock Lot
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: The Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew & Creative District,
Questions: Jonathan, jwwzulu@gmail.com, 302-750-0555
Dialogues for Change Across Racial Lines
Take the opportunity during Peace Week to begin a series of eight multi-faith and multi-cultural dialogues with others wanting to end racism in our community. Weekly facilitated themes in the order they are scheduled: Sep 18 – Making Connections; Sep 25 – Our Racial and Ethnic Backgrounds; Oct 2 – Our Unequal Nation; Oct 9 – Why Do Inequalities Exist?; Oct 16 – Looking at Our Community; Oct 23 – Moving to Action. Additional dialogues may be scheduled following the first six.
Date/Time: 09/18/2018 / 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Location: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Newark
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Coalition to Dismantle the New Jim Crow, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Newark, YWCA Delaware, http://www.endnewjimcrowde.org
Questions and registration (required): Rev. Paula, paulamaiorano32@gmail.com, 302-545-2659
“Happy” – The Movie and a Discussion
Does money make you HAPPY? Kids and family? Work? Do you live in a world that values and promotes happiness and well-being? Taking us from the bayous of Louisiana to the deserts of Namibia, from the beaches of Brazil to the villages of Okinawa, HAPPY explores the secrets behind our most valued emotion. Join Awakened Heart Community for this delightfully insightful film and discussion. Refreshments will be served.
Date/Time: 09/18/2018 / 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Location: Buzz Ware Village Center
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Awakened Heart Spiritual Center, www.AwakenedHeart.net
Questions: Dave, awakenedheartde@gmail.com, 302-525-0021
STRAWS Documentary
Date/Time: 09/18/2018 / 6:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Location: Route 9 Library and Innovation Center
Categories: New Castle Count
Sponsored by: Route 9 Library and Innovation Center, http://nccde.org/1389/Route-9-Library-Innovation-Center
Questions: Yumarys, YAPolanco-Miller@nccde.org, 302-651-8020
Why should Peacemakers be concerned about Palestine/Israel?
A presentation/
discussion, led by Ms. Mike Abel and Dr. Rob Abel, on how the 70-year occupation of Palestine not only tramples human rights but denies the essence of Judaism, and why we as Americans–Jews, Muslims, Christians–should be concerned. Mike Abel is a Palestinian-American who has traveled extensively to the Midde East, West Bank and Gaza on peace and medical missions. Dr. Rob Abel is a Jewish-American ophthalmologist who has worked in Israel and the Arab world.
Date/Time: 09/18/2018 / 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Location: Westminster Presbyterian Church
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by:Pacem in Terris Palestine-Israel Human Rights Initiative and Westminster Presbyterian Church, http://depaceminterris.org/
Questions: June, peace4june@gmail.com, 302-656-2721
Wednesday, September 19
JavaTime Peace Jam
Get ready to get your peace jam on! Shelley Kelley, WVUD JAVA Time host, will play a lineup of peace songs. Featuring songs of Chris Cornell, Bob Marley, and maybe even some local rappers!
Date/Time: 09/19/2018 / 7:00 am – 7:30 am
Location: On air, 91.3 FM
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: WVUD, http://www.wvud.org/
Questions: Jeanne, lifeforcefrompeace@yahoo.com, 302-831-2701
Coffee with The Newark Police
Chat with Newark Police officers while you enjoy coffee and refreshments at the Newark Free Library.
Date/Time: 09/19/2018 / 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Location: Newark Free Library
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Newark Free Library, www.nccde.org/newark
Questions: Pat or Bryan, mpbirchenall@nccde.org, bgollicker@nccde.org, 302-731-7550
Hour of Power Interfaith Prayer Service
The All New IMAC (Interdenominational Ministers Action Council of Delaware) will host an Hour of Power Interfaith Prayer Service representing Christian, Jewish and Muslim faith traditions working together in unity, prayer and divine purpose .
Date/Time: 09/19/2018 / 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Location: Bethel AME Church
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: All New Interdenominational Ministers Action Council of Delaware (IMAC), http://www.imacde.org
Questions: Sharon, imacde@imacde.org, 302-777-1190/La Vaida, cokparish@aol.com, 302-547-3227
Let’s Talk! Courageous Conversations
to Combat Discrimination & Hate
The arrest of two African American men at a Philadelphia Starbucks in April, and mesages of hate painted on a Wilmington car in August 2017, are just two examples of the bias and hate harming our communities. Bring your lunch and join others who seek peaceful inclusive communities in thoughtful reflection and courageous conversations about everyday racism. We may watch short films followed by discussion or we may simply pose a question and open the floor for participants to share their personal stories. This event will be repeated on 9/20/2018.
Date/Time: 09/19/2018 / 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Location: Carvel Building, 3rd floor
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: DE Division of Human Relations/State Human Relations Commission
Questions and registration (suggested):
Annette, annette.fletcher@state.de.us, 302-577-5050
Annette, annette.fletcher@state.de.us, 302-577-5050
River Sing
Date/Time: 09/19/2018 /12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Location: Partnership for the Delaware Estuary
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: The Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, http://www.delawareestuary.org/
Questions: RuthAnn Purchase, friendsoflenapeeverywhere@gmail.com, 302-399-1235,or
Simon James, simonjamesoriginalmusic@gmail.com, 610-348-8119
Pinwheels for Peace
Help celebrate Peace Week with Pinwheels for Peace. Each child will decorate their own pinwheel and receive a certificate for participating. The pinwheels will be displayed in front of the library. Ages 6-12.
Date/Time: 09/19/2018 / 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Location: Delaware City Library
Categories: New Castle County
Supported by: Delaware City Library, https://delawarecity.lib.de.us/
Questions and reservation (required):
Cathy, cathy.gray@lib.de.us, 1-302-834-4148
On Art: Conversations with Margaret Winslow
On Art Conversations invites Margaret Winslow, Curator of Contemporary Art at the Delaware Art Museum and author of Dream Streets: Art in Wilmington 1970-1990, to lead us in a discussion, “Looking Back, Moving Forward.”
Date/Time: 09/19/2018 / 5:15 pm – 6:00 pm
Location: The Delaware Contemporary
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: The Delaware Contemporary, www.decontemporary.org
Questions: Jennifer, jpolillo@decontemporary.org, 302-656-6466 x7101
Film Screening:
“The Sultan and the Saint”
Date/Time: 09/19/2018 / 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Location: St. Francis Hospital
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Franciscan Action Network (FAN), St. Francis Healthcare, http://franciscanaction.org
Questions and registration (suggested):
Father Joseph, jmonahan115@comcast.net, 412-527-3543
A Dream Deferred: Issues and Answers, the Events Surrounding the 1968 Riots
This discussion will open with a viewing of the 2007 documentary, ‘A Dream Deferred,’ which presents a social, historical and cultural view of the conditions and events leading to the 1968 Wilmington Riots following the assassination of Civil Rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Among the issues for discussion will be economic equality, poverty, discrimination, housing, education and urban development. The aftermath of the riot will also be a critical part of the discussion.
Date/Time: 09/19/2018 / 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Location: New Castle Public Library
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: New Castle Public Library, nccde.org/newcastle
Questions and registration (required)
Julie, julie.kirk@lib.de.us, 302-328-1995
Story Sharing: Immigration Before Us
Together we will watch the movie “Trails of Hope and Terror:Testimonies of Immigration,” and then share a panel discussion. The panel will include young adults with first-hand experiences of immigration. The discussion will include theological reflection and historical contextualization designed to lead us into a conversation that includes: causes of migration, the U.S. response before decades of Central and South America exodus, and actions towards a just consciousness.
Date/Time: 09/19/2018 / 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Location: Wesley United Methodist Church – Grace Fellowship Hall
Categories: Kent County
Sponsored by: Wesley United Methodist Church, http://wesleyumc-dover.com/
Questions and Suggested Registration:
Amy, pastor.amy@wesleyumc-dover.com, 443-846-3365 or Carlos, carlospendel@gmail.com, 302-674-2626 Ext: 21
Peace Meditation
A silent meditation for peace where participants can seek the peace in their hearts that is the source for peace in the world. The event will also have a brief time for readings and chants for peace. Participants may come and go at times of their choosing and may sit or walk as spirit or comfort moves them. Chairs will be provided and participants may bring their own cushions if they choose.
Date/Time: 09/19/2018 / 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Location: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Newark
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Zen Meditation Group of UUFN, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Newark, uufn.org
Questions: John, pesek@udel.edu, 302-383-7968
Drum Circle and Singing Bowls Concert
Join the Awakened Heart community for an evening of flow, moving from energetic rhythms into deep relaxation and meditation. We begin the evening with a community drum circle where everyone participates in helping to co-create a dramatic sense of unity and a musical moment of beauty. We will then ride that energy down with a singing bowl concert and meditation with Andy West, RScP. Meditation has a profound effect on the human body and psyche, lowering heart rates and elevating well-being. It has proven to create lower crime rates in communities that regularly meditate. Our hope is to carry this practice into Wilmington as an ongoing act of expanding Peace.
Date/Time: 09/19/2018 / 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Location: Buzz Ware Village Center
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Awakened Heart Spiritual Center, www.AwakenedHeart.net
Questions: Dave, awakenedheartde@gmail.com, 302-525-0021
Sage Presents LGBT Inclusion
Guest speaker: Bill Gadola, LGBT Education Ambassador for SAGE (Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual, and Transgender Elders). You are invited to come find out what “LGBT” is and how you can be more inclusive. Learn about the culture, needs, and concerns of LGBT older adults and consider why they are less likely to access health and social services, and caregiving resources.
Date/Time: 09/19/2018 / 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Location: Woodlawn Library
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: New Castle Library
Questions: Kim, KRTull@nccde.org, 302-571-7425
Peace Week Book Discussion
Enjoy fellowship and thoughtful discussion when Bear Library Nonfiction Book Group tackles issues including peace and reconciliation. Pick up your copy of the chosen book to read on or after August 22 and then return to discuss with the group on September 19. Adults.
Date/Time: 09/19/2018 / 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Location: Bear Library
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: New Castle County Bear Library, http://nccde.org/bear
Questions and registration (suggested): Bear Library INFO Desk, 302-838-3300
Thursday, September 20
Safe Environments: Anti-Bullying with the Brandywine Zoo
This program takes a new approach to anti-bullying programming and helps students better understand each other using animals that are often misunderstood or feared, such as insects, spiders or reptiles. We will learn about how students can cultivate safe environments not only for each other, but also for the animals with whom we share the world.
Date/Time: 09/20/2018 / 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Location: Wilmington Library
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Wilmington Library
Questions and reservations(required): Leah, Youth Service Desk, 302-571-7400 Ext. 2412
Peace through Understanding: Kent County
Ivan Thomas will focus on photography as a means of multicultural communication. A lifelong resident of Delaware and DETV founder, Ivan Thomas strives to promote community and consciousness. The camera is Ivan’s tool; his business is psychology, persuasion, and social architecture. He bridges the gap between diverse groups of people through DETV, videography and photography. His focus is on building relationships and promoting communication between diverse groups of community members. Ivan brings video to life while using his content creation skills to enlighten and engage the audience. Martin Luther King, Jr Student Center, 1st Floor Lounge
Date/Time: 09/20/2018 /11:00 am -1:00 pm
Location: Delaware State University
Categories: Kent County
Sponsored by: People to People Delaware, https://people2peoplede.com/
Questions: Kim, kimPtPDE@aol.com, 302-543-5723
Let’s Talk! Courageous Conversations to Combat Discrimination & Hate
The arrest of two African American men at a Philadelphia Starbucks in April, and messages of hate painted on a Wilmington car in August 2017, are just two examples of the bias and hatred harming our communities. Bring your lunch and join others who seek to live in peaceful inclusive communities in thoughtful reflection and courageous conversations about everyday racism. We may watch short films followed by discussion or we may simply pose a question and open the floor for participants to share their personal stories. This event will also be offered on 9/19/2018.
Date/Time: 09/20/2018 / 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Location: Carvel Building
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: DE Division of Human Relations/State Human Relations Commission, http://DE Division of Human Relations/State Human Relations Commission
Questions and registrations (suggested):
Annette, annette.fletcher@state.de.us, 302-577-5050
Pizza with the Wilmington Police
Meet with members of the Wilmington Police Department over a slice of pizza. Hear what is new in the city and ask your questions. All ages.
Date/Time: 09/20/2018 / 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Location: Woodlawn Library
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Woodlawn Library, www.nccde.org/woodlawn
Questions: Kim, krtull@nccde.org, 302-571-7425
Alternatives to Violence Project
This experiential workshop will offer participants an opportunity to engage in exercises related to transforming negative energy into positive avenues relating to violence and anger. This internationally known program was first introduced in 1975 in a New York state prison, and currently is presented throughout the world.
Date/Time: 09/20/2018 / 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Location: Lewes Public Library
Categories: Sussex County
Sponsored by: Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP)
Questions and reservations(suggested): Joseph, turnheartlighton@gmail.com, 410-804-6407
Wilmington Peacekeepers BBQ
The Wilmington Peacekeepers will host a community BBQ at William Judy Johnson Park, 3rd & Clayton. We have done this in a different part of the city each year with the hopes of bridging the gaps and bringing the communities together. The Peacekeepers believe that our communities need healing from the violence that plagues our city. This event is one of the olive branches that we extend to all communities in Wilmington to come out and be part of something inspiring and important. Come out for food, drinks, and fun—and meet other people who care about what is happening in our communities.
Date/Time: 09/20/2018 / 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Location: William Judy Johnson Memorial Park
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Wilmington Peacekeepers
Questions:Terry, terry92964peace@gmail.com, 302-383-2490
Delaware Advancing Fair Trade and Fair Treatment throughout the World
Come hear how YOU can support fair wages, fair trade and fair treatment. Ten Thousand Villages exists to insure artists are treated with respect and justice for their labor. Hear stories from those in our area who travel to Pakistan to buy Bunyaad rugs made by hand, a tradition passed down for centuries. Ideas for helping Delawareans make a difference for bonded brick workers and artisans around the world will also be shared!
Date/Time: 09/20/2018 / 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Location: Ten Thousand Villages
Categories: New Castle County
Supported by: Ten Thousand Villages, https://www.tenthousandvillages.com/wilmington#fndtn-home
Questions and registration(suggested)
Kate, manager.wilmington@tenthousandvillages.com, 302-428-0340
Advance Care Planning
This interactive panel discussion is open to the community to come and talk and learn about advance care planning in Delaware. This is an opportunity to ask questions and find answers as you anticipate the next chapter in your journey.
Date/Time: 09/20/2018 / 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Location: Delaware Hospice Center
Categories: Kent County
Sponsored by: Delaware Hospice, http://www.delawarehospice.org
Questions and Suggested Registration: Keith Markowitz, kmarkowitz@delawarehospice.org, 302-478-5707
Alternatives to Violence Project
A program taught worldwide, this evening will include an experiential overview of the FREE training in conflict resolution.
Date/Time: 09/20/2018 / 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Location: Wilmington Friends Meeting House
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Alternative to Violence Project
Questions and Suggested Registration: Sue, wilsonsue8@yahoo.com, 509-690-0598
Dolores Huerta: Social Justice Icon
The documentary, “Dolores: The Movie” by PBS and Independent Lens will screen at Wesley College. Dolores Huertas is an activist, organizer, feminist, and agent of change. Come and see an icon of the Civil Rights movement in the 60’s and 70’s empowering the farm worker and migrant communities for a just and fair treatment in the U.S. A brief period of conversation, questions and answers will follow the screening.
Date/Time: 09/20/2018 / 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Location: Wesley College – Room CC206
Categories: Kent County
Sponsored by: Wesley College Political Science Department & La Caminante United Methodist Church
Questions and Registration (suggested): Carlos, carlospendel@gmail.com, 302 674-2626 Ext. 215 or Dr. Cynthia, Cynthia.Newton@wesley.edu, 302-736-2732
When a Girl Stays in School, Lives Are Changed
Teen girls around the world and in Delaware face real challenges to stay in school. What is lost for a girl, her family and her community when she drops out? What is gained when she stays? How can you help? Hear from Wilmington’s Urban Promise, the Delaware Office of Volunteerism, the Delaware Fund for Women and Dining for Women. Take a first step to help a girl realize her potential. Doors open 6:15 pm. Networking follows until 9:00 pm.
Date/Time: 09/20/2018 / 6:45 pm – 8:30 pm
Location: Resurrection Parish
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Dining for Women – Wilmington-1 Chapter & the Delaware Fund for Women
Questions: Annette, ahearing48@gmail.com, 302-438-0191
Registration suggested: http://bit.ly/2tDu4WY
Friday, September 21
International Peace Day
Secretary-General’s Message for the International Day of Peace
This year we mark International Day of Peace as we prepare to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.This foundational document is a reminder that peace takes root when people are free from hunger, This year we mark International Day of Peace as we prepare to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.poverty and oppression and can thrive and prosper.
With the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as our guide, we must ensure the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
I encourage you to speak up. For gender equality. For inclusive societies. For climate action.
Do your part at school, at work, at home. Every step counts.
Let us act together to promote and defend human rights for all, in the name of lasting peace for all.
António Guterres
On 21 September 2018, from 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., the Secretary-General will celebrate the Day in the Peace Garden at United Nations Headquarters by ringing the Peace Bell and observing a minute of silence. United Nations Messengers of Peace will participate in the ceremony.
Many other communities observe Peace Day with a moment of silence at 12:00 noon.
The United Nations website suggests that you can also support this observance by seeking peaceful resolution of conflict when disagreements arise around you. You can be part of the solution by taking small steps. You can prevent an injustice at school or in your community by adopting a non-violent approach to problem solving and reporting potential crimes, including online bullying.
You can engage by speaking up when others are at risk and stand with others’ human rights at work, at school and around the dinner table.
You can reflect how each of us can stand up for rights every day.
This would be a meaningful day to attend one of our local Peace Week Events
Human rights are everyone’s rights.
Celebrating a Decade of
Friendly Persuasion
Date/Time: 09/21/2018 / 12:30 pm – 1:15 pm
Location: Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at University of Delaware(OLLI)
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at University of Delaware(OLLI), Wilmington
Questions: Sue/Andre, susan.dagenais@verizon.net
/ajd12@verizon.net, 302-379-8909, 302-234-1495
Visit Friday Prayer Service at the Muslim Center of Wilmington
Have you ever visited a mosque or talked with Muslims? We invite you to come and see for yourself. Observe Muslims making their Friday Congregational Prayer together and offer your own private prayers at that time. Prayer takes place after a brief sermon. Everyone is asked to remove their shoes before going into the sanctuary. Notice that men and women are seated separately. Everyone is seated on the floor except for those who are handicapped. At the conclusion of the prayer service (about 2 pm), there will be time for Q&A and socializing. We look forward to welcoming you!
Note: It would be a nice gesture for visiting ladies to wear long skirt or slacks, and a head scarf, though this is not mandatory. Our building is handicap accessible. Food vendors will be on hand for those who miss lunch.
Date: 09/21/2018 / 1:15 pm – 2:00 pm
Location: Muslim Center of Wilmington
Categories: New Castle County
Questions: Sharon Ali, sharonali.eds@gmail.com, 302-290-3203
BBQ to Celebrate the S.U.N. 5th Anniversary
We will begin the celebration with a peacewalk on Market St in the Northeast area and then a ceremony and BBQ in the S.U.N. PARK.
Date/Time: 09/21/2018 / 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Location: Praying Ground Community Church
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Safe United Neighborhoods (S.U.N.) and Praying Ground Community Church
Questions and Suggested Registration: Pastor Saundra, prayingground@yahoo.com, 302-530-6881
Coffee for Peace
An evening of peace-filled activities at St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church, featuring the Twin Poets, identical twins Al Mills and Nnamdi Chukwuocha. They are social workers, award-winning spoken word poets, community activists, and the 17th Poets Laureate of Delaware. They use spoken poetry to transform the lives of young people in communities affected by gun violence. Come see our display of “West Center City: A Family Portrait,” which celebrates the families that live in our neighborhood. FourYouth Productions’ student photographers captured images of families and through a series of conversations learned about their stories, their connections, and their community. This project celebrates our blood-related families and those we form through friendship with a common cause of raising up our communities. Throughout the event, enjoy coffee from Scission, outdoor acoustic music, and conversation. Plus food trucks! Volunteers welcome. Contact office@ststeph.org or call 302-652-7623.
Date/Time: 09/21/2018 /6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Location: St. Stephen’s Lutheran
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: St. Stephen’s Lutheran, http://www.ststeph.org
Questions: Kanchalee, office@ststeph.org, 302-652-7623
Six Principles of Non-violence
Date/Time: 09/21/2018 / 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Location: Academy for Peace
Categories: New Castle County
Supported by: Academy of Peace
Questions and Registration (suggested): Dr. Ja-Neair, janeairmacklin@aol.com, 302-384-0156
Silent Worship for Peace
Join Camden Friends Meeting (Quakers) in silent worship. Worship to be followed by light refreshments and activities centered around peace. All are welcome.
Date/Time: 09/21/2018 / 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Location: The Gathering Place, Camden Friends Meeting
Categories: Kent
Supported by: Camden Friends Meeting, http://camdenquakers.org
Questions: Susan, skight61@gmail.com, 302-222-4198
Saturday, September 22
Campaign Non-violence National Convergence (Bus Trip Cancelled)
Movement for a Culture of Peace is chartering a bus so that Delawareans can travel (early in the morning from Wilmington with possible stops in Kent and Sussex counties) to Washington, D.C., where we will join a rally at the Martin Luther King statue and a nonviolent silent march from the Martin Luther King, Jr. statue to the White House ending in Lafayette Park. Details at http://www.paceebene.org/programs/campaign-nonviolence/campaign-nonviolence-national-convergence/
Date/Time: Sorry, this event has been cancelled as of 9/6/18
Questions: Jeff, jeffrey.lott@me.com, 302-690-5489
You’ve heard the term, but what is restorative justice?
Our speaker will be Barbie Fischer. She is the Executive Director of Restorative Encounters of Philadelphia, a non-profit that offers training and capacity-building in the field of restorative justice. She holds an M.A. in Conflict Transformation with a focus in Restorative Justice and Trauma from the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding at Eastern Mennonite University, where she was trained by renowned Howard Zehr. She has a B.S. in Cross-cultural Communications from Great Lakes Christian College. Ms. Fischer has over 15 years of experience in restorative justice, working in community and program development with various organizations around the world. She guest lectures, conducts workshops, and training on restorative justice and trauma healing in addition to her own restorative practices. Her work has included developing and implementing reentry programing for former child soldiers in Uganda, Africa and Sri Lanka; working with veterans and family members on the transition to civilian life; along with assisting in healing processes for crime victims, incarcerated people, and their families. Ms. Fischer also has assisted in restorative processes for those involved with child welfare and restorative disciplinary processes for schools. She and her team are sought after to implement restorative practices in a wide variety of settings.
Date/Time: 09/22/2018 / 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Location: Newark United Methodist Church
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: The Coalition to Dismantle the New Jim Crow
Questions: Cami, camiseward@gmail.com
Service to Others Day
To honor our community’s public servants and their commitment to serving others, all are invited to Lutheran Community Services where volunteer opportunities will include: Peace Garden, beautification of community spaces outside and in, food pantry, and more. If you would like to participate, please sign up by September 21st.
Date/Time: 09/22/2018 / 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Location: Lutheran Community Services
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Lutheran Community Services
Questions and registration (required): Lyn, lbudd@lcsde.org, 302-654-8886 x107
Fifth Annual March for a Culture of Peace
Let’s bring everyone together—city and suburban; black, brown and white; Anglo, African, and Hispanic; native-born and immigrant, advantaged and disadvantaged; Christian, Muslim and Jew; young and old; people of all political views—to show that we are one community opposed to violence, murder, poverty, racism, and exclusion. This is our fifth annual March for a Culture of Peace.
Where: March begins and ends at the basketball courts “under the bridge” at 3rd and Jackson, Wilmington followed by A Day of Peace (event described below)
What: A one-mile march through Wilmington neighborhoods affected by poverty and violence, ending in a rally.
Date/Time: 9/22/2018 / 11:30 am to 12:30 pm, followed by Day of Peace (below)
Sponsored by: Movement for a Culture of Peace
Questions: Medard, mg@depaceminterris.org, 302-656-2721
Volunteers needed: contact march@peaceweekdelaware.org
Bringing It Back to Peace:
Community Rally and Resource Day
Bringing it Back to Peace is organized by a powerful grassroots anti-violence campaign and its allies. The purpose of this gathering is to empower our youth with hope and opportunity. A local mural project will engage our vision of peace and justice. There will be opportunities to connect with resources, jobs, and social change movements. There will be food, live performances, dance, activities, games, employment resources, wellness, vendors, National Guard, sports recruiters & more!
When: 9/22/2018; March for a Culture of Peace begins 11:30. Bringing It Back to Peace event starts at 12:00. Ends 4:00.
Where: At the basketball courts “under the bridge” at 3rd & Jackson, Wilmington
What: Live performances, dance, activities, games, employment resources, wellness, vendors, National Guard, sports recruiters & more!
Questions: Michaelena, 302-723-8474, 302gunsdown@gmail.com
Sponsored by: 302 Guns Down
You can help: Interested in sponsoring or vending? Table space is free. Email: 302gunsdown@gmail.com
Peace begins with Me!
Join us for a Peace Rally. There will be a message of Peace and Unity delivered to the community. There will be food, music and poetry of peace as well as a Peace March through the Rose Hill neighborhood.
Date/Time: 09/22/2018 / 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Location: Rose Hill Community Center
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: House of Judah Empowerment Outreach Ministries Inc., Rose Hill Community Center (Eating at the Kings table); UPF Ambassadors of Peace
Questions:Rev. Dr. Madelene, sventhgft@yahoo.com, 302-723-9172
Paint a Kindness Rock
Date/Time: 09/22/2018 / 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Location: Route 9 Library and Innovation Center
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Route 9 Library & Innovation Center, http://nccde.org/1389/Route-9-Library-Innovation-Center
Questions: Marissa,, MLParker@nccde.org, (302) 657-8020
Express your Thoughts Mural
Date/Time: 09/22/2018 / 2:00pm – 5:00 pm
Categories: New Castle County
Location: “The Village Tree Farm”, 214 Delamore Place
Sponsored by: The Village Tree, Inc, http://thevillagetree.org
Questions and registration (suggested): Cecelia, crich@thevillagetree.org, 302-298-6349
Interfaith Dialogue
Date/Time: 09/22/2018 / 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Location: Epworth United Methodit Church
Categories: Sussex County
Sponsored by: Rehoboth Interfaith Dialogue Committee
Questions: Bob, bobpaulen@comcast.net, 302-226-2269
H.O.M.E. Radio Presents-
“Housing, Dignity & Peace”
Join us for this HerStory Ensemble presentation set as a “live” remote radio broadcast featuring interviews, music, news, and commentary on homelessness, its emerging issues, and advocacy for peaceful resolution. You never know who will stop by or call in. Donations to the Tampon Drive will be accepted at this event.
Date/Time: Date(s) – 09/22/2018 / 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Location: MEJAH Bookstore
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: HerStory Ensemble, www.herstoryensemble.com
Questions: DeBorah, HerStorytotell@gmail.com, 302-385-6230
Images of Peace
Date/Time: 09/22/2018 / 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Location: Claymont Library
Categories: New Castle
Sponsored by: Claymont Library,
Questions and registration(required):
Julia, jtucker@nccde.org, 302-798-4164 ext 210
Fall Equinox Labyrinth Walk
Celebrate the beginning of fall and participate in Peace Week Delaware with a peaceful walk in the Delaware Art Museum Labyrinth! There is no fee for this program, but donations are accepted to help maintain the museum’s labyrinth.
Date/Time: 09/22/2018 / 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Location: Delaware Art Museum
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Delaware Art Museum
Questions: Eliza, ejarvis@delart.org, 302-351-8522
Movie Screening:”Won’t you be my neighbor?”
Showing of 2018 movie about Mr. Rogers, “Won’t You Be My Neighbor,” a popular bio-pic about the man, one of our most beloved peaceful radicals, and the TV show, “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood” — and how both the man and the show were quiet instruments for peace-making and social justice. Popcorn and cold drinks will be provided. Suggest you bring a cushion for your seating comfort.
Date/Time: 09/22/2018 / 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Location: Camden Friends Meeting
Categories: Kent County
Sponsored by: Camden Friends Meeting
Questions: Judith, 302-734-2712
Sunday, September 23
Community Peace Calligraphy POSTPONED DUE TO RAIN
New Date TBD
This early morning project is the perfect way to start the last day of Peace Week Delaware: creating art with neighbors. Weather permitting, artist Riva Brown will be lettering a 30 foot in diameter message of World Peace on the grounds of Temple Beth Emeth. You are invited to join in with color tempera to paint the world and your own symbols of peace. (Wear clothes you don’t mind getting paint on). Paint and brushes provided. Members of the Sikh community will provide light refreshments.
Date/Time: Date(s) – 09/23/2018 / 9:30 am – 1:00 pm
Location: Congregation Beth Emeth
Categories:New Castle County
Sponsored by: People to People Int’l Del Chapter and Beth EmethCongregation, www.people2peoplede.com
Questions: Riva, riva@livingletters.biz, 302-656-2777
Poetry As Invitation: The Peace That Passes All Understanding with Steve Steinwedel
Peace is revealed when we move into a reflective space, stopping to feel the Light that is always present. Poetry is a wonderful invitation into this stillness. Join us for a sound healing bath of music and poetry that will guide us deep into our most natural state of being: Peace. “Poetry calls us to pause. There is so much we overlook, while the abundance around us continues to shimmer, on its own.” – Naomi Shihab Nye
Date/Time: 09/23/2018 / 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Location: Buzz Ware Village Center
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Awakened Heart Spiritual Center, www.AwakenedHeart.net
Questions: Dave, awakenedheartde@gmail.com, 302-525-0021
Peace Sunday
Date/Time: 09/23/2018 / 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Location: Salem United Methodist Church
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Salem United Methodist Church, http://www.saleumumc.org
Questions: Rev. Robert, pastorrphall@aol.com, 302-738-4822
Planting Peace
Children, youth, and adults of all ages and beliefs join in song, story, and interactive worship, creating a Beloved Community in celebration of International Day of Peace, Peace Week Delaware, and the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The service will conclude with a procession to plant a permanent Peace Pole in the UUFN gardens along Willa Road, Newark. A reception with crafts for children will follow.
Date/Time: 09/23/2018 / 10:30 am – 12:15 pm
Location: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Newark
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Newark (UFFN), http://uufn.org
Questions: Rev.Paula or Andrea, paulamaiorano32@gmail.com/andrea4620@hotmail.com, 302-545 2659/ 302 368 2984
Intuitive Painting for Peace
Celebrate Peace Week Delaware by creating an intuitive painting. All supplies are provided by the library. North Carolina based artist Jessica Spiers leads this program. This program is open to adults 18+.
Date/Time: 09/23/2018 / 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm
Location: Delaware City Library
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Delaware City Library, www.delawarecity.lib.de.us
Questions and registration(required):
Kirsten, kirsten.hickey@lib.de.us, 302-834-4148
Troublemaker: Bayard Rustin and His Nonviolent Fight for Justice
Michael G. Long, associate professor of peace and conflict studies at Elizabethtown College and editor of I Must Resist: Bayard Rustin’s Life in Letters, will discuss the importance of Rustin as a strategist in the civil rights movement, the challenges posed by his identity as an openly gay man, and lessons we can draw from his Quaker-inspired quest for peace with justice. After the talk, there will be refreshments, and guests will have an opportunity to create a peace pinwheel as a visual reminder of the event and as a sign of their commitment to the principles of nonviolence.
Date/Time: 09/23/2018 / 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Location: Hockessin Friends Meetinghouse
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by:Hockessin Friends Meeting, http://HockessinQuakerMeeting.org
Questions: Mark, Friends@HockessinQuakerMeeting.org, 302-239-2223
Peace through Understanding: Sussex
Ivan Thomas will focus on photography as a means of multicultural communication. A lifelong resident of Delaware and DETV founder, Ivan Thomas, strives to promote community and consciousness. The camera is Ivan’s tool; his business is psychology, persuasion, and social architecture. He bridges the gap between diverse groups of people through DETV, videography and photography. His focus is on building relationships and promoting communication between diverse groups of community members. Ivan brings video to life while using his content creation skills to enlighten and engage the audience.
Date/Time: Date(s) – 09/23/2018 / 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Location: Lewes Public Library
Categories: Sussex County
Sponsored by: People to People Delaware, https://people2peoplede.com/
Questions: Kim, kimPtPDE@aol.com, 302-543-5723
Under Fire in Wartime London
Wrapping up Peace Week, join DelawareHumanities.orgjournalist, historian, entrepreneur, world traveler, and Delawarean, Jean Norvell, as she recounts her girlhood and loved ones under fire during the Nazi aerial Blitz, sailing in the “little boats” to evacuate Dunkirk, and fighting U-Boats during WW2. Ages 16-Adults.
Date/Time: 09/23/2018 / 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Location: Bear Library
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: New Castle County Bear Library. http://nccde.org/bear
Questions and registration (suggested): Owen, tthorne@nccde.org, 302-838-3300
Interfaith Conversations (Cancelled)
This event has been cancelled. Its sponsor urges you to attend Islam and Peace: An Interfaith Dialogue at the Islamic Society of Delaware
Religious leaders from various faith traditions will lead conversations about the understanding of peace in their own tradition and share how they work for peace and justice.
Date/Time: 09/23/2018 / 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Location: Hanover Presbyterian Church
Categories: New Castle County
Sponsored by: Hanover Presbyterian Church, www.hanoverchurch.org, The Ninth Ward Interfaith Coalition
Questions:Twyla, ChurchAdmin@hanoverchurch.org, 302-658-5114
Islam and Peace: An Interfaith Dialogue
This event is sponsored by the Interfaith Committee of the Islamic Society of Delaware. Attendees will be presented with the Islamic principles of peace.
Date/Time: 09/23/2018 / 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Location: Islamic Society of Delaware
Categories: New Castle
Sponsored by: Islamic Society of Delaware, http://www.isdonline.org
Questions: Irfan, ipatel72@gmail.com, 302-690-2706
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