

Committed peace advocates are the backbone of Peace Week Delaware. We need you to join our network, to help spread the work, and to get involved according to your interest and availability.

For a look at our “help wanted” list of volunteer jobs, click here.

Have a particular talent? Want something more specific? We’re seeking committed individuals to play key roles in organizing and promoting Peace Week. Email us at info@peaceweekdelaware.org and we’ll be in touch.

Peace Week Delaware is an all-volunteer effort and we are looking for people with specific skills to fill some key roles essential to success across Delaware.  Take a moment to review the information below to see if you can help create Peace Week.

For more information and to volunteer, email volunteer@peaceweekdelaware.org 

General Information

All Peace Week Delaware roles require the following:

  • A commitment to and passion for building a culture of peace in Delaware – this is the foundation for everything we do
  • A willingness to commit the time required to fill the role
  • Internet access, computer, personal workspace, ability to cover incidental expenses such as meals and parking (Peace Week is unable to provide these)

Our organization chart is given below


We are currently seeking qualified people to fill the following roles. (Scroll down to view job description.)

Social Media Lead and Committee Members
Youth Education Liaison and Committee Members
K-12 Committee Members

Public/Media Relations Committee Members
Contact Lead
Program Booklet Lead
Data Base Lead
Fund-Raising Committee Members

Event Recruiting Lead and Committee Members
Social Media Lead
Website Management 

Social Media Lead

Goal is to assure broad knowledge of Peace Week Delaware Events among all Delawareans who use social media outlets


  • Design and implement social media campaign
  • Serve as day-to-day manager and single point of contact for the campaign
  • Engage other volunteers to help as needed

Work with:

  • Peace Week Steering Committee (including attending meetings)
  • Peace Week Youth Education Liaison, Public / Media Relations Lead, Webmaster, Contact Lead, Program Booklet Lead, Data Base Lead
  • Other Peace Week volunteers

Qualifications: Hands-on experience designing and running a social media campaign to include Facebook, email, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Time Commitment:  from now through the end of October, approximately 6 hours per week

Youth Education Liaison

Goal is to build awareness of the benefits of peace among the youth of Delaware


  • Work with Delaware public, private and parochial schools to promote Peace Week and organize Peace Week events in schools
  • Engage other volunteers to help as needed

Work with:

  • School leaders and other representatives
  • Peace Week Steering Committee (including attending meetings)
  • Peace Week Social Media Lead, Public / Media Relations Lead, Webmaster, Contact Lead, Program Booklet Lead, Data Base Lead
  • Other Peace Week volunteers


  • Knowledge of school systems and leaders across Delaware
  • Ability to engage school leaders in the goals of Peace Week

Time Commitment:  from now through the end of October approximately 6 hours per week

Public / Media Relations Lead

Goal is to assure broad knowledge of Peace Week Delaware and Events among all Delawareans


  • Design and implement state-wide public relations / media campaign (e.g., press releases, press kit)
  • Serve as day-to-day manager for the campaign
  • Serve as single point of contact for media and spokesperson for Peace Week
  • Populate and keep current the “Press” page on Peace Week Delaware website
  • Engage other volunteers to help as needed

Work with:

  • Local and state-wide media and other information outlets (e.g., electronic signs)
  • Peace Week Steering Committee (including attending meetings)
  • Peace Week Social Media Lead, Youth Education Liaison, Webmaster, Contact Lead, Program Booklet Lead, Data Base Lead
  • Other Peace Week volunteers


  • Hands-on experience developing and running public relations / media campaign
  • Contacts with local and state-wide media and other information outlets

Time Commitment:  from now through the end of October approximately 3 hours per week to start, with additional time during the weeks before Peace Week

Contact Lead

Goal is to help assure success of Peace Week Delaware Events by providing organizations and individuals with prompt, complete and helpful responses to their inquiries


  • Serve as single point of contact through email for organizations and individuals who want to hold a Peace Week event
  • Monitor and respond to inquiries from these organizations and individuals sent to info@peaceweekdelaware.org within 48 hours of receipt
  • Refer inquiries on other topics (e.g., not related to Events) to the right Peace Week volunteer (e.g., press inquiries to Public Relations / Media Lead, inquiries about advertising to Program Booklet Lead)
  • Engage other volunteers to help as needed

Work with:

  • Peace Week Steering Committee (including attending meetings)
  • Peace Week Social Media Lead, Youth Education Liaison, Public / Media Relations Lead, Webmaster, Program Booklet Lead, Data Base Lead
  • Other Peace Week volunteers


  • Contacts with local and state-wide media and other information outlets
  • Hands-on experience developing and running public relations / media campaign

Time Commitment:  from now through the end of October approximately 3 hours per week to start, with additional time in the weeks leading up to Peace Week

Program Booklet Lead

Goal is to promote and encourage participation in Peace Week Delaware Events and to raise funds through advertising sales


  • Design and produce a printed Program Booklet with information about Peace Week Delaware 2016 and all Peace Week Events
  • Raise funds for Peace Week by organizing and selling advertising to be included in the Program Booklet
  • Distribute Program Booklet at Peace Week Events and through other outlets (e.g., newspaper insert)
  • Engage other volunteers as needed (e.g., for Program Booklet design / printing, selling advertising)

Work with:

  • Peace Week Steering Committee (including attending meetings)
  • Peace Week Social Media Lead, Youth Education Liaison, Public / Media Relations Lead, Webmaster, Contact Lead, Data Base Lead
  • Other Peace Week volunteers


  • Experience producing a booklet like this
  • Contacts with graphic designers, printers, etc.
  • Ability to meet deadlines
  • Familiarity with similar booklets prepared for events such as Wilmington Flower Market

Time Commitment:  from now through the end of October approximately 3  hours per week, with additional hours between Aug. 1 and the printing deadline.

Data Base Lead

Goal is to assure complete, accurate and accessible data on Peace Week organizations, individuals, donors, sponsors and volunteers


  • Design and maintain Excel-based “Peace Week Delaware Contact Data Base”
  • Collect and integrate existing contact data bases (e.g., from current Peace Week volunteers, from Movement for a Culture of Peace [maintained at Pacem in Terris], etc.) into Peace Week Contact Data Base
  • Research to identify missing information to complete Data Base entries
  • Set up Peace Week Delaware Contact Data Base for easy read-only access by other Peace Week volunteers
  • Support Peace Week committees by meeting their data needs, e.g., reporting, mailing lists, analysis, etc.
  • Assure viability of Data Base for future Peace Weeks
  • Engage other volunteers as needed

Work with:

  • Peace Week Steering Committee (including attending meetings)
  • Peace Week Social Media Lead, Youth Education Liaison, Public / Media Relations Lead, Webmaster, Contact Lead
  • Other Peace Week volunteers


  • Experience using Excel as a contact data base, including data integrity, printing, sorting/selecting, security, etc.

Time Commitment:  from now through the end of October approximately 4 hours per week