Event Submissions made after August 15th, 2024 will not be featured in printed PWD promotional materials.

A word about deadlines: we will continue to post events that meet our criteria until September 15 but your event will greatly benefit from early posting. We look forward to helping you spread your message via a website post. Follow our four-step sequence below.

Need Help: Contact us by emailing a request for help to info@peaceweekdelaware.org     Our tech volunteers can set up a help session by zoom or by phone to guide you through the user registration process and the event submission process. Let us know the best times to reach you and give us your preferred means of contact. You should hear from us within 48 hours.

Step 1) Review Event Criteria

Step 2) Plan your Event

Step 3) New User

Step 4) Submit Your Event

Step 1) Review Event Criteria


The objective of Peace Week Delaware Events is to motivate, educate, and/or inspire in a setting (virtual or in-person) where everyone’s voice is heard.

Peace Week Delaware Events will follow these criteria:

  • Promote peace, non-violence and/or justice in communities within Delaware. A peaceful community is one where physical and emotional needs are met and where people are treated with empathy and respect. In the past, event topics have included restorative justice, trauma care, inclusion, public policy, personal well-being, community service,environmental justice, interfaith understanding and housing equity. This list is far from exhaustive; the possibilities are endless.
  • Be posted on the Peace Week Delaware website where attendees will register to attend. This information will be made available to the event sponsoring organization.
  • Encourage attendees to become involved in peace making activities by providing specific ideas and contacts as to how they can do this.
  • Be welcoming and accessible to all abilities and free of charge
  • Promote free and respectful sharing of information and opinions, be politically non-partisan.
  • Be submitted to the Peace Week Delaware Steering Committee for review and approval.

Questions? Please email info@peaceweekdelaware.org

[Criteria updated 04-2-22]

    Step 2) Plan Your Event

    As an event organizer, your first decision will be to choose between an in-person, virtual event or hybrid event. Below are some points to consider.

    In Person Events
    • Follow all Covid-19 Guidelines as specified by the State of Delaware Department of Health and CDC
    • Communicate the meeting policies with attendees.
    • Consider outdoor events with rain dates. With our new registration form, you are now able to download attendee email addresses for notifications.
    • For indoor events – size matters – number of people matter. On the registration form we encourage you to appropriately limit the number of attendees based on capacity, room conditions, etc.
    Virtual Events
    • When you register a virtual event on the website, an email reminder with the link will be automatically sent to all registered attendees 24 hours prior to your start time.
    • For security reasons, caution your attendees not to share the zoom link on social media.
    • If you are new to virtual presentations, invest some time in learning best practices and features (like breakout rooms, whiteboard, polls, and chat).  https://zoom.us/
    • Follow recommended security on your video conferencing software. We suggest you use both the password and waiting room features.
    Hybrid Events
    can combine the best of both event-types and open your event to attendees and speakers from across the state and to people with disabilities or concerns that prevent them from traveling.

    Getting Help and Advice

    For help in the logistics of planning an in-person event: https://www.peaceweekdelaware.org/create-event/getting-started/
    For help in selecting a topic and a format, browse past events: https: //www.peaceweekdelaware.org/past-events/
    For help in planning your publicity campaign: https: //www.peaceweekdelaware.org/resources-for-event-planners/

    Step 3) Event Organizer Registration

    If you are already registered on our website, simply login at the top right-hand corner of the page.

    If you are a new organizer or if you submitted anonymously last year, you need to register.

    As a registered website user, you can manage your event, harvest lists of attendees and, if virtual,  distribute your video conference link (URL) to registered attendees.

    Registration Instructions: Prior to registering you should decide on the user name and email address for registration.   In addition, while a secure password is automatically generated for you, you may also want to use a password of your own choosing.  Keep this information in a secure location.

    1. Click on REGISTER AS A NEW USER and enter your user name and email address in the Registration Window (as shown in the image to the left).  Next, click on Register. After a short delay, you are notified that the registration is complete and to check your email.

    2. Check your email. The email contains your user name and a link to set your password. Click on the first address link .

    3. Set a password. You can accept the system generated password, generate a new strong password, or enter your own password.  To enter your own password first clear the password box and enter your chosen password. Please note your login credentials (user name, email, and password) or use password manager to save this information on your device.

    Next, click on Save Password.  You now are registered account holder.  Congratulations!

    4. Use the Login option at the upper right-hand corner to login as shown in the image below and move on to Step 4: Submit your event.

    Step 4) Submit Your Event!

    Once your event is planned and you are certain it meets all the criteria, head on over to our event submission page to submit it for Peace Week 2023.

    After submission

    • the editorial team reviews your entry and may make suggestions for revisions.
    • within a week, our staff  sends, via email,  a link to view a “pending” website entry for your event.
    • if  you do not receive the email, look in your spam and bulk folders. Occasionally, these auto-generated emails from WordPress are considered spam. It is critical that you locate and reply to this email. Contact us at peaceweekdelaware@gmail.com if you do not get the email within four days.
    • in this email tell us if you approve of the posting or if edits are needed. 

    Step 5) Edit Your Event Posting

    Log In to View/Edit Your Event

    Event Organizers: If you are already signed in, 
    you can access your events and attendees at the following links:

    Manage Events
    Manage Attendees

    Edits to posting:

    • All edits need to be approved by the staff AND the event organizer.
    • In your initial acceptance email, you were directed to give final approval or suggests edits. Web staff will gladly work with you to execute necessary  changes prior to publishing your event  on our website.  This is done by responding to peaceweekdelaware@gmail.com with either:
      1) An explanation of any new edits that we should make (new images will also be accepted at this address) OR
      2) That no edits are needed and that you give your approval for this posting to appear on our website
    • You may also self-edit your postings at any time by logging in and navigating to the Manage Events-link.Use the left sidebar. The system will automatically unpublish any edited posting until the staff can approve and re-publish.
    • Final publishing of events on our website: We will not publish events without email approval from the event organizer. If you fail to give approval, within four days, the event description will be removed from our website.

    On the behalf of our entire community, many thanks for your submission. Please use our website to review our event criteria as you plan the details of your event. Also, please remember that publicizing your event on this website is only the first step in promoting your event. From our experience, we know that careful work is needed to meet your attendance goals.

    Again, thank you for your time and your patience.